Charles I, Charles II and Charles III... Who are these Charleses?

Unknown facts about the 3 Charles of British royal past: Could Charles III be the end of the monarchy, the first step of the 2nd republic?

As early as 1649, the Republic of England was proclaimed, including Ireland and Scotland.

This Republic, which lasted for 11 years, came to an end in 1660.

It is also interesting that the "Republican process" in England is associated with the name Charles.

King Charles was in trouble.

He was faced with a situation such as “delegating his powers to the parliament”.


He had attempted to introduce a new “prayer book” in the country.

This attempt was not accepted in Scotland, a rebellion broke out.

Charles I had to appeal to parliament to raise money to fight the Scots.

But he could not make this decision.

Then there was the uprising in Ireland.

He also failed to suppress it.

Civil war flared up.

Charles I was defeated.

He surrendered to the Scottish army.

Republic of England

Meanwhile, pro-Republican Oliver Cromwell had built a "new model" strong army.

He arrested Charles I in January 1649.

He was prosecuted.

King Charles I was sentenced to death.

He was executed.

The "monarchy" was abolished.

A Republic called the "British Republic" was proclaimed.

Cromwell was loved as a savior and hero.


Over time it turned into hardness.

Because in practice, the Republic was a theocratic government based on religious and political idealism.

The lords and representatives of the commons had been replaced by a ruling class made up almost entirely of clergy.

Social dissatisfaction was at its peak.

The Republic finally collapsed on itself.

In the days when his son Richard took power after his death, the commanders in Scotland and Ireland began to work for the crown prince Charles II.

With the support of the parliament and the commanders, Charles set out for London.

He was 30 years old when he took the throne in May 1660.

Thus, in 1660, two years after Cromwell's death, the "English Republic" was transformed into a "monarchy" again.


III. What kind of king Charles will be is eagerly awaited.

According to the Financial Times, while he was still Prince of Wales before he was king, he was active in making his views known to ministers.

The question marks got a little darker as he addressed the nation after his mother's death.

Charles III said:

“Of course my life will change as I take on my new responsibilities. It will no longer be possible for me to devote my time and energy to charities and issues that I care about so much.

I will uphold the constitutional principles at the heart of our nation.”

According to the newspaper, "The King believes that he should also talk about social problems".

It gives signs that it can "encourage and warn the ruler to use this right, which has the right to be consulted"...

Charles III is 73 years old.

For some, this is an advanced age.

According to some, advanced middle age with enough experience.

There is an undefined "grey area" between the powers of government and parliament and the position of the king.

All this may require a constitution.

Those who see the "royalty as a luxury that no longer need to be transported" are in World War II. They're lighting flares for the British Republic.

A rebellion that seems too early an extreme…

Let's see what happens next in Britain.

Charles I (r. 1625-1649) - The Royal Family