The person who started out as a communist but destroyed communism: Josip Broz Tito

Tito is also cited as the source of the information that allowed the USA to go into space. Let's get to know this historical personality more closely.

Josip Broz Tito (May 7, 1892, Kumrovec - May 4, 1980, Ljubljana) was a Yugoslav statesman and politician with Marxist-Leninist views. His ideas are known as Titoism.

Tito wrote his official letters 'J. Broz Tito would sign it saying 'Marshal of Yugoslavia'.

On the other hand, he was addressed as 'Comrade Marshal'.

It is said that he preferred the name 'Tito' during his party work due to his admiration for the Roman Emperor Titus.

However, it is recorded that he took this name from an old Balkan priest named Saint Titus.

The fact is that Tito liked the timbre of this name and used it for him.

No one knows when or where Tito was born.

His father is a farmer from Croatia and his mother is certainly of Slovenian or Czech descent.

Official accounts, on the other hand, show that he was born near Zagreb in May 1892.


He was born as one of 15 children. He was the seventh child. He was the son of an alcoholic and gambling father and a hardworking mother. From time to time, he paid his debts by begging his father, Tito. Josip was born on May 7, 1892 in a Croatian Village very close to Slovenia. Among his dreams was to go to America, but he could not go. He had to enlist in the military during the First World War. The Austro-Hungarian Empire conscripted him into the army. He was sent to the Russian front by assigning himself. He showed himself here and became the youngest non-commissioned officer at the age of 21. He was captured in Russia during the war and stayed here for 2 years. After his captivity was over, he took refuge in Pelagija Belousova's house for about a year. This woman he took refuge in Russia would be his first wife and they would return to Yugoslavia a year later. After his return, several of his children died, and he joined the banned communist party after the death of his 3-year-old daughter. He got his education thanks to this party, and he thought he owed money too. He did great work for his party in 1920. But in 1928 he was arrested for making communist propaganda.


Josip Broz started his life as a steelworker.

He was drafted into the Austro-Hungarian army in 1914 and was captured by the Russians in 1915.

He remained imprisoned in Russia for several years until the 1917 Revolution took place. Then he was released and fought on the side of the communists.

He did not return to Yugoslavia until 1923. He continued his job at the steel mill and became president of a labor union.

He was later arrested and sentenced to 5 years in prison. It was released in 1929.

Tito disappeared until 1934, nothing was heard of him. He is said to have been in Vienna, France, and Spain during this period.

In 1937, he became the General Secretary of the banned Communist Party of Yugoslavia. With the outbreak of the Second World War, he assumed the leadership of the resistance against the German occupation.

The Nazis put a hundred thousand gold on his head for his arrest. But Tito was like an invisible ghost. So much so that it is recorded that it led to rumors that there was more than one Tito.

Tito went down in history as the man who unified Yugoslavia. But shortly after his death, this union collapsed.

He was the only European in history to lead the Non-Aligned Movement.

He went down in history as a communist who loved the life of capitalists.

He implemented the communist regime in Belgrade and established closer relations with Washington.

Finally, he became the first communist leader to declare separation from Stalin and survived.

Turning 68 years old in 1960, Tito was now a mature politician. He was trying to slowly organize the independent nations of the world. His biggest advantage was that he listened to everyone. He was always spending time with the villagers. He was surrounded by Turkish women at a seminar in Belgrade. His own citizens were very jealous of this situation. Even at the age of 80, he was fighting with his wife because of his fondness for women.

He died in Belgrade in 1980 at the age of 88. The Yugoslavs were completely destroyed. Management continued for 20 more years with collective management. But then income decreased and they were not making money like they did during the cold war. The legend of Tito was no longer enough to hold the country together. Religious fanaticism began and Yugoslavia was torn apart by the civil war. This was what Tito feared most.

Tito sent the Americans into space

According to a 2016 documentary produced in Slovenia, the leader of the former Yugoslavia, Tito established the space center, and in 1961 the Americans paid Tito $2.5 billion for the purchase of space technology.

In the documentary, it is stated that the first space center in Europe was built by Tito in Jelyava, a military airbase between Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, under the name of "Object 505".

In the documentary, which states that the American Intelligence Agency (CIA) discovered this place in 1960, it is claimed that the USA paid 2.5 billion dollars to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1961 for the purchase of space flight technology.

Slovenian producers emphasize that they are based on the real historical personality of Herman Potochnik, who was born in the former Yugoslavia, served as an aviator engineer captain in the Austro-Hungarian army and died in Vienna in 1928.

In the documentary, Captain Potochnik's book, which he wrote for himself in 1928 under the name "Problems of flying into space and rocket engines" (Das Problem der Befahrung des Weltraums - der Raketen Motor), on module space stations and similar subjects, was discussed by those close to Tito in 1947. is said to have passed.

It is stated in the documentary that after Tito's conflict with Stalin in 1948, Potochnik formed the basis of the secret space program based on undisclosed secret technical solutions and started a rapid study in this direction, and that Yugoslavia made rapid progress in space.

In the documentary, it is emphasized that the crew of "Apollo 11", which landed on the Moon, also visited Tito in 1970 and presented him with soil from the Moon.