The most popular actor of Turkish TV series: Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ

There has been a rush of Turkish TV series all over the world in recent years. The most striking male actor in these series is Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ. Who is Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ, what kind of life does he have? Would you like to know:

Kıvanç Tatlıtuğ was born on October 27, 1983 in Adana. After completing primary school, he studied at Yenice Private Çağ High School in Adana for a while. Later, he moved to Istanbul with his family and completed his high school education at Istanbul Kalamış High School. Tatlıtuğ, who was fond of basketball in his childhood, played semi-professional basketball for a while. After coming to Istanbul, he continued to play in the Beşiktaş basketball team, but ended his basketball career when he was injured. In 1997, after his father had a heart surgery, they completely moved to Istanbul.

She started modeling when her mother applied for an advertisement she saw in a grocery store window. He adopted this job, which he used to do only to earn money, as time passed. After continuing the work he started in 2000 in various agencies for two years, he participated in the "Best Model of Turkey" modeling competition in 2002 and won the first place. In the same year, he also participated in the Best Model of the World and came first. Later, he received offers from abroad and lived in Paris for two years.

During this period, he started to receive offers from Turkey. Tatlıtuğ decided to take a role in the TV series "Silver" and returned to Turkey. Thus, he started acting in 2005. Kivanc Tatlitug; He was invited to many film festivals such as Cairo, Abu Dhabi and Muscat, participated as "Guest of Honor" and received "Honorary Awards". Later, he became the most well-known Turkish actor in the Balkans, Turkic Republics and North Africa.

Tatlıtuğ, after the series "Silver", respectively, "Halil" in the series "Menekşe ile Halil", "Behlül" in the series "Aşk-ı Memnu", "Sekiz" in the series "Ezel", "Kuzey Güney" in the series "Kuzey", respectively. He successfully portrayed the character of "Seyit" in the TV series "Kurt Seyit ve Şura". In 2013 he played the characters of "Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu" in the movie "Butterfly Dream"

Movies and TV Shows He Has Taken A Role:

Brave and Beautiful (TV Series, 2016)

Kurt Seyit ve Şura 2 Season (TV Series, Kurt Seyit, 2014)

Butterfly's Dream (Muzaffer Tayyip Uslu, Motion Picture, 2013)

Kuzey Güney 2 Season (TV Series, Kuzey, 2011-2012)

Oyuncak Hikayesi 3 (Voiceover, Motion Picture, 2010)

Ezel Season 2 (TV Series, Eight/Ramiz, 2010)

Aşk-ı Memnu 2 Seasons (TV Series, Behlül Haznedar, 2008-2009)

Menekşe and Halil (Halil Tuğlu, TV Series, 13 Episodes, 2007)

Americans in the Black Sea 2 (Victorious, Motion Picture, 2006)