Master of abstract sculpture: Who is Etienne Beothy?

István (Etienne) Beöthy (1897 – 27 November 1961) was a Hungarian sculptor and architect who mainly lived and worked in France.

(1897–1961) Hungarian-born French sculptor. He made abstract sculptures with a constructivist approach. He was born in Haves, Hungary in 1897. He studied architecture. After meeting Moholy-Nagy, he turned to sculpture and studied sculpture at the Budapest Academy of Fine Arts between 1920-1924. He settled in Paris in 1925. He especially worked on tree sculptures. After 1929, he turned to the constructivist approach. In 1932 he became a founding member of the Abstraction-Creation group. In 1946, he was the founder and vice president of the Salon des Realities Nouvelles (New Realities Hall), where his geometric-abstract works were exhibited. In 1951, the Group, which deals with art with a social and collective understanding, entered Espace. He died in Noutrouge, France, in 1961.

Beothy was interested in the mathematical foundations of art. He made abstract sculptures, geometric abstractions, and large-scale figures based on spiral and parabola forms. He collected his views in his book La Serie d'Or ("The Golden Series"), published in 1939.


Etienne Béothy
