Punk, Goth, Emo, Hoodie: Who invented youth fashions and when?

Since the Second World War, we've moved from the Bobby-soxers of the 1940s to the Beats of the '50s, Hippies of the '60s, Punk of the '70s, and more recently to Grunge, Goth, and hip-hoppers; many youth fashions were born and diversified.

Young people use codes that reveal themselves with symbols such as clothing style, language, and graffiti in order to establish their identities and identify with different groups, youth movements, and even criminal gangs.


1970s music group The Sex Pistols and Ramones, fashion designers, and some writers such as Vivienne Westwood or Richard Hell played a role in defining this influential counterculture movement. Punk current chaos and anarchy; He turned it into a form of expression with marginal hairstyles, modified clothing, tattoos, and piercings.


Behind Goth(ic)'s black clothes, boots, and white make-up lurks a more complex and sophisticated response to Punk's anarchy and nihilism. Music, literature, and cinema greatly influence Goth culture. Groups also include Aristocratic Goths who wear Romantic or Victorian clothing. The Sibergoths are inspired by Manga and Cyberpunk and use futuristic outfits.


This new and highly widespread movement developed from Goth culture and adopted its music and literature; however, it gives less place to social alienation in clothing and behavior.

Hip-hop and its codes

Hip-hop was a genre of music that developed in the United States in the 1970s and was derived from a combination of Jamaican rhyming slang and various other influences. However, hip-hop soon began to represent a lifestyle in its own right. This style became widespread (but not exclusively) largely in social housing and among gangs of dissident Black youth. Today, hip-hop has spread all over the world with its various examples. For example, Spanish hip-hop is mainly based on flamenco music, while visionary Japanese hip-hop DJ Krush frequently adds Japanese songs and music to his albums. Graffiti teams, on the other hand, use art forms; It is only one facet of the hip-hop movement, which combines rap music, turntablism music, breakdance, and a style of dressing and speaking in its own right. The slang used by rappers, like their signature hand signals, is often incomprehensible to those unfamiliar with this subculture.


Clothing style can mean much more than a simple fashion sense among young people. For example; In terms of "street reputation," choosing a tracksuit brand can be vital. The same goes for sweatpants with hats. These garments (along with the Burberry plaid) are associated with common crime in England today.


Bosozoku had a huge impact on urban life in Japan in the 1980s. Bosozokus were distinguished by their special small motorcycles (which were driven with legs extended). Although Bosozoku members were often expelled teenagers, their gangs were given exotic and bizarre names such as "Don Quixote" or "Tarantula" and used right-wing slogans and symbols such as the swastika. The aim was to confuse the public rather than to display political affiliation. The name of the bands was coined by the US occupation soldiers in Japan. The Yankees, usually formed by high school students or expelled from school, rebel against the over-disciplined society. The band members, known for their blonde dyed, long permed hair, black, white, or primary colors, and aloha t-shirts, prefer satin and sparkly fabrics. Men wear stiletto heels. Like Bosozoku, this is a leisure activity and most Yankees join the society before they turn 20. However, a certain number of youngsters today still go to Bosozoku and eventually to the yakuza. continues to participate.


Influenced by the Romantic Goths, members of this movement wear clothes inspired by Victorian children's clothing and rococo styles, adopting complex behavioral patterns of marginal aestheticism.


In this story:

Everything you need to know about these fascinating alternative styles, their subcultures and their evolution with new generations, technology, and social media.