Rising star of American politics: Ron DeSantis, the fierce Republican

Will DeSantis, become the new president of the USA despite Trump? There are strong signals about this. Here is the story of rising star DeSantis:

Gov. Ron DeSantis, who won the Florida governorship by less than 1% and whose name was virtually unknown to greater America just a few years ago, is now rising in presidential polls and presents voters with a quicker, sharper version of Donald Trump's angry style of politics.

The Florida governor is a leading GOP contender for the 2024 presidential race. He won a straw poll at the Western Conservative Summit earlier this month, with his approval rating clocking in slightly higher than former President Trump.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX, also said that he could support Republican Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the presidential election in 2024. DeSantis answered a journalist's question on the subject. Referring to Musk's birth in South Africa, DeSantis said, "I welcome support from African Americans, what can I say?" had used the phrase.

DeSantis studied law at Harvard and served in the US Navy. He graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School. DeSantis joined the United States Navy in 2004, where he was promoted to lieutenant before serving as an advisor to SEAL Team One and being deployed to Iraq in 2007. Praised for his eloquence, DeSantis is considered a charismatic politician.

As of 2024, he is only 46 years old. (Born September 14, 1978) The chances of winning against Biden, who will turn 82 in 2024, are considered high. Some political forecasters believe that DeSantis will become vice president in 2024 for Trump and then will be elected president in 2028.

Acts as governor

In March 2022, he signed a law banning education on sexual orientation and gender identity from kindergarten to third grade. For this reason, it especially drew the reaction of LGBT groups. LGBTI rights activists sued DeSantis to block the new law. LGBTI rights advocates call this the "Don't Say Gay" law. Democratic President Joe Biden also described the law as "hateful".

Ron DeSantis also angered Biden by opposing mandatory vaccination in 2021. DeSantis had promised to fight Biden's mandatory vaccination for federal agencies and large corporations.

In May 2019, the bill allowing teachers to enter class with guns in Florida was approved by the parliament. DeSantis also approved this law. According to the law passed by the Florida State Parliament, teachers can get their license to enter classrooms with a gun after 144 hours of training. Trump also wanted teachers to enter classrooms with guns.