The world's first and most famous internet journalist: Matt Drudge

Matt Drudge, founder of the news site Drudge Report, has been informing the internet world for more than 20 years. After his education, which he ended by saying, "They won't even hire me at 7-Eleven with this diploma," the world recognized him as the man who exposed Bill Clinton's sex scandal.

Newsweek magazine suppressed the news that the 23-year-old White House intern had sex with President Clinton!..” It all started with this headline. The calendars showed January 17, 1998. The media was unaware that he was witnessing the birth of a journalistic phenomenon when a man named Matt Drudge, whose name the world had not heard of, shook the world with this breaking news on the rather simple news site “Drudge Report”.

Matthew Drudge, who was born in Maryland as the only child of a Jewish family in 1966, graduated from Northwood High School, which has 355 students, in the 341st rank after his parent's divorce and subsequent trauma. They don't even hire in '.

Indeed, no one hired little Drudge, except for the 7-Eleven restaurants, where he worked the night shift.

He got into trouble with the police many times. Eventually, his father decided to take him with him to run on his farm. But he did not stay comfortable there and was taken under psychological treatment. Later, his father Robert Drudge, who realized the power of the internet early and founded a reference site called "refdesk", called Matt to his side. He put a computer in front of him. “Save your life with this,” he said.

Matthew Nathan Drudge (born October 27, 1966) is an American journalist and the creator/editor of the Drudge Report, an American news aggregator. Drudge is also an author and a former radio and television show host.

Matt started using his new computer to turn the gossip he heard here and there into a newsletter and "forward" his friends. He called these news, which he distributed via e-mail, the Drudge Report.

Mysterious Newsweek employee

By March 1995, the Drudge Report, which mostly published tabloid gossip, had 1000 subscribers.

Desperately distributing private information from his friends in the media world, Drudge reached 85,000 subscribers in 1997.

1998 was the year Matt's fortunes turned. Newsweek's Michael Isikoff was about to write perhaps the biggest story of his life for nearly a year, revealing that President Bill Clinton had a sexual relationship with an intern named Monica Lewinsky at the White House, and was even daring enough to bring it to the Oval Office. But the subject was 'Mr. President', not an ordinary person, and the slightest problem could bring Newsweek to the ground.

Isikoff shuddered when he placed the file in front of his bosses. Hours before the magazine was published, the answer he received was "We cannot print this news". But once the pin of the bomb was pulled.

A Newsweek employee, whose name and identity the world still does not know, gave the greatest gift of his life to young journalist Matt Drudge, the new shining star of the internet, as "Here's the news". And the bomb exploded.

Drudge Report published the Monica scandal in full detail for 3 days. Eventually, the US media gave up and published all of the president's dirty laundry, citing Drudge. In the 10 years that have passed since then, Drudge Report is a huge news site with 10 million readers a day and 600 million hits per month. Matt Drudge's annual income is $1.2 million.

Finished Prince Harry

Drudge, perhaps, became the archenemy of the Clinton family with the news he published, but as a twist of fate, he was in the same camp with Hillary Clinton in the Democratic Party race against Barack Obama. She became the protagonist of a weeks-long smear campaign against the black senator by posting pictures of Obama wearing the local outfit he wore during a trip to Indonesia. He was the first person to reveal to the world Prince Harry's secret mission to Afghanistan. Millions of colleagues in America and around the world don't get to work in the morning without checking out Drudge's website. He is enjoying this power in his mansion in Florida where he lives with his cat.

Very happy with her cat

There is not much information about Matt Drudge, who is stated to live a simple and mysterious life. The biggest speculation about him is that he is gay. In an interview with the Times, he said, "No, I'm not gay. In fact, despite the fact that he said, "I was on the verge of marriage in the past years," no one has seen a "female" besides his cat for years.