What is ceviche; How is it made, in which country was it invented?

Ceviche is a fish cooking technique that has established a throne in our hearts as Peru's national dish, according to some, it was used in South America even 2000 years ago, and according to some, it was brought to this continent by the Spanish.

In all likelihood, its flavor is enough to turn our heads every time we eat it.

What is Ceviche? Let's just say, Ceviche is the general name given to raw fish cooked in lime juice. The protein structure of the raw fish, which is left in the citric acid of the lemon for about two hours, loosens, and accordingly the fish looks like it is cooked.

Look, this is very important: It doesn't cook, it "looks like it's cooked". In short, let's never forget that "ceviche" is mostly raw fish!

Therefore, take into account that it has to be fresh, if it is not eaten on the day it is caught, or if it is not stored in suitable conditions, it will become a nest of bacteria and easily lead to poisoning! 

So What Is Its Origin?

“What is ceviche?” When we ask, all authorities point directly to Peru, dear friends. The fact that Peru owns this dish as a national treasure also plays a role in this.

However, we come across "ceviche" in the cuisines of many countries in South America. Frankly, although every country wants to own it a little, Peru's voice comes out more than anyone else. Even Ecuador is struggling quite a bit in this regard.

We know that 2000 years ago, on the coast of Peru, the fresh fish of the Mochica Indians was cooked in the juice of a local fruit "tumbo".

When we come to the Incas period, it is recorded that fresh fish was cooked in a fermented beverage called “chica”.

The Spanish set foot in the region and introduced ingredients such as lemons and onions, which are used in making Ceviche today, are among the notes that should be recorded in history.

According to this theory, it is possible to say that “Ceviche”, which is already a local dish, later evolved into its present form with Spanish touches.

What Is Ceviche With Indirect Muslim Influence?

According to this theory, "ceviche" is a cooking method that the Spaniards brought when they colonized the region. So it hasn't been around much before.

However, it can be said that the name of our dish comes from words of Arabic origin such as "escabeche" or "sibech", and indeed, it penetrated the Spanish culture with the influence of the Arabs ruling in the Andalusia region, and the Spaniards interpreted this beauty and brought it to Peru.

Ceviche's Journey

One of the most important features of local dishes is that they have a story in history, that they emerge with the embrace of cultures, and that they leave the place where they originated and travel the whole world.

Ceviche is very popular today, not only in South American countries such as Peru, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Argentina, Chile, and the Caribbean but also in North America and Europe.