What is High Heels Dance (Stiletto dance); Who can do this dance?

How about getting to know High Heels (Stiletto dance) a little more closely, which is made on high heels and has a very aesthetic appearance?

High Heels is a dance genre based on jazz music and rhythms. At the same time, it is a dance that contains inspired by many dance genres such as hip-hop, Latin dances, and modern dance.

Stiletto Dance (also called High Heels Dance) is a dance form that emerged and evolved in the United States and Europe in the late 20th and early 21st centuries. It is named after the women's shoe style since one of its distinguishing features is the wearing of high-heeled shoes during a performance.

This dance, which is preferred in the field of stage and performing arts and will make your stance on the stage more aesthetic and attractive, will also reveal your feminine energy and make you feel even cooler than you are.

As we just mentioned, there are many genres in this dance, from hip-hop to Latin. Body language and arm movements come from modern dance, while body movements come from hip-hop and belly dancing.

It is possible to catch the breeze of high heels from this dance, which is another dance we call "Belly-dance". This dance helps develop your flexibility, femininity, sense of musicality, and rhythm. High heels are a dance that not only women but also men can do.

How High Heels' Story Started

It is a type of dance that emerged with the combination of traditional and old rhythms with new and modern dance figures. High heels are one of the dances that marked the 21st century.

This dance, as the ancestor of African and American dances, has managed to come from the past to the present by blending many other dance genres within itself.

Can those who are not accustomed to high heels dance high heels?

Although the main purpose of this dance is to be performed with high heels, someone who is not used to high heels can also learn the High Heels dance starting from zero. The primary goal of this dance is to teach how to get used to high heels and then move on to the dance stage.

How Long Does It Take to Learn High Heels?

High Heels training takes an average of 3 to 6 months. First of all, it is necessary to learn to move in a healthy way in high heels. It takes 3 months for these movements to settle in muscle memory. The rest of the process is related to one's own talent and potential.