Who are the women who shape the history of art?

Despite the inequality of opportunity that women have been exposed to in the past, they have managed to come up to this day with their art. Here are the painters and sculptors women who shape the history of art...


18th-Century French painter Elisabeth Louise Vigee Le Brun is famous for her extraordinary portraits. She defied societal norms and portrayed the most well-known personalities of her time. Although self-taught, she rose to the top with hard work and determination. She became the portraitist of Marie Antoinette at the royal court. She entered the French Academy at the age of 28. She traveled widely throughout her life, painting portraits of aristocratic society throughout much of Europe, making her one of the leading female artists of her time.


AUGUSTA Savage is an American sculptor and teacher who lived in the 20th century. She is known as an advocate for black artists and access to arts education. Her work includes powerful figurative sculptures that reflect black culture, history, and identity. She is also one of the pioneers of the Harlem Renaissance. She has sculpted some of the most important African-American leaders and activists, including Augusta Savage, WEB DuBois, Marcus Garvey, and William Pickens Sr. She has also received numerous public art commissions, including the Harlem Library and the 1939 World's Fair, and became the first African-American elected to the National Association of Women Painters and Sculptors she.


MARY CASSATT is one of the three female representatives of French Impressionism. As an American who immigrated to France, she became an important art advisor, introducing European art to the Impressionists who pioneered American Impressionism. Her sparkling, sparkling paintings are focused on women's daily lives, from domestic scenes to urban events. She is particularly known for her emotional portraits of the relationship between mothers and children.


FRIDA KAHLO is one of the most well-known and influential painters of the 20th century. Kahlo is known for her autobiographical paintings and has used her art to express her own pain and experiences. Frida Kahlo's life story; full of health problems, loves, and political views. She received serious injuries as a result of a traffic accident in her childhood. In this accident, permanent damage occurred to her spine, ribs, and pelvis. After the accident, she was confined to bed for a long time and during this time she started painting. The effects of surrealism, expressionism, and folkloric elements are seen in her art. Kahlo is an artist who strongly portrays the female experience and makes significant contributions to Latin American art.


Lee Krasner is one of the leading figures in abstract expressionism. She has proven herself as a worthwhile artist as her male rivals, fighting for a place in the male-oriented, macho world of abstract expressionism. Her art depicts the fragmentation of the painting plane in a raw, fresh, and uncompromising way, and is known for her instinctive and energetic work. Krasner contributed to the development of the abstract painting movement and demonstrated the power and talent of women artists.


African-American artist Betye Saar is one of the leading figures in contemporary installation art. Her work focuses on racial and sexual identity, history, and memory. Saar's works often consist of powerful symbols, finds, and collectibles. Betye Saar made her name in the late 1960s for her sculptures addressing racial politics. During the 1970s, she became a leading member of the Black Arts Movement, using her art to directly confront white systems of power and control. The language in which she dealt with these themes broke stereotypes and revealed disturbing truths.


Artemisia Gentileschi, who lived in the 17th century, is one of the leading painters of the Baroque period. She is known for her powerful, dramatic, and bold compositions. Artemisia skillfully portrayed mythological, historical, and religious scenes, and depicted female figures in a powerful and impressive way. At a time when few women were given such opportunities, Artemisia Gentileschi was trained by her father to be a painter from an early age. She became one of the most important figures in the history of art with her striking works.


JAPANESE artist Yayoi Kusama is known for her polka dot patterns and infinity rooms. Influenced by pop art and minimalism, her work has created a unique visual language. Kusama's work focuses on the concepts of psychology, gender, and self. Yayoi Kusama, one of the most important female artists of contemporary times, has produced works in a wide variety of media, from light art to installation, from sculpture to performance.