Who is called a sociopath?

The concept of the sociopath is often confused with the concept of the psychopath. The most obvious difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is that psychopaths are more unscrupulous and cruel.

However, the incidence of sociopathic cases is higher in men than in women. People with sociopathic character are not very common in society, because this situation is not something that can be easily understood from the outside. Now let's examine the sociopath issue in depth.

Sociopaths are people who behave in ways that are not tolerated by society, go against the rules and laws, and are not afraid of the punishments given. These people have a natural predisposition to commit crimes. They can also lie, steal and deceive people very easily. They don't really care how their actions affect other people. In some cases, those who show signs of sociopaths may feel a little remorse for what they have done.

Another characteristic of those who experience this type of discomfort is their insensitivity to the people around them. These people are not interested in the pain and suffering of others. All they care about in their life is themselves, and they take strange pleasure in hurting other people.

What are Sociopath Personality Traits?

They exhibit anti-social behavior. They do not care about the rights and feelings of others.

They show behavioral disorders in human relations. There is a lack of empathy and morality, which is necessary in relationships. They don't want to have close relationships.

They cannot develop empathy for the people around them. They are unable or unwilling to establish emotional bonds with people.

Lying has become a habit. They lie about past, future, and present events. They lie and tell even simple daily matters.

They make emotional imitations. Even if they don't have feelings, they can easily imitate the feelings of others and deceive people when they need it.

Sociopaths are egoists. They consider themselves superior to others. They even have delusions about themselves. They feel themselves to be perfect, supremely created.

Those who show signs of sociopaths are intelligent. They easily manipulate other people. They have no regrets about directing other people while achieving their own will.

Behaviors have no moral criteria. They easily resort to immoral behaviors such as lying, cheating, and violence.

They like to dominate people, they always want to be a leader, and they do not like to take orders.

They do not have friends because they cannot establish close relationships.

What Causes Sociopathic Personality Disorder?

The exact psychological equivalent of the concept of the sociopath is Anti-Social Personality Disorder. A sociopathic personality can have many causes. However, it is usually caused by traumas such as neglect and abuse in childhood. Children who grow up without attention and love do not know how to treat other people when they grow up. Anger develops in children who are despised by the adults around them and whose wishes and needs are ignored. Later, they generalize this anger to all people and become hateful to everyone.

Although the foundations of sociopathy are laid in childhood, experts do not diagnose sociopaths in children. Even if he has such behaviors, he is considered a conduct disorder. But if sociopathic behaviors continue after puberty, then a diagnosis can be made. In this context, some behaviors seen in childhood may be the harbinger of sociopathy. Such as torturing animals in childhood, harming others, damaging things, and ignoring adult warnings.