Virgin Men Over 30: Who is called Yaramiso? Who is Yaramiso?

In Japan, the term "Yaramiso" is used to describe virgin men over the age of 30 who have difficulty establishing relationships. Let's take a look at the characteristics of Yaramiso men and why they cannot establish relationships.

In Japan, the number of men who have never had sexual intercourse has increased to 1/4 of the total number of men in recent years. This situation is so common that people who are older and still virgins have even been given a name: Yaramiso!

Why do Japanese men in their 30s not have sexual intercourse at an earlier age like their counterparts in America or Europe, and thus they are called Yaramiso and become a social class? good question!

Let's try to find the answer;

First of all, let's look at the typical Yaramiso characteristics given by the Japanese Weekly Playboy magazine under the title "Typical characteristics of a Yaramiso":

Let's talk about why there are so many virgin horses in Japan and the number is increasing day by day.

One theory is that it is difficult for Yaramiso to find a partner because most of the women in their demographic have already found a partner, and the fact that women, in general, have no actual sexual experience with a Yaramiso makes Yaramiso unattractive.

This means that in geographies where the number of Yaramisos is relatively higher than in other places, the male population is slightly higher than the female population. and a woman plays it safe and chooses an experienced partner rather than wasting time with a marjiso who has not had any sexual experience before.

Another theory is that with the downturns in the economy, many men may lose their financial stability and thus lose their self-confidence. The phenomenon of global financial contraction makes meeting women even more difficult for Yaramiso people.

This Yaramiso phenomenon in Japan has become so widespread that entrepreneurial people have begun to take advantage of this situation and turn it into cash. Businesses that provide information about sex and sexual life and provide consultancy services have been established for Yaramisos.