English literature began about 700 years ago under his leadership: Who is Chaucer?

He was the first poet to produce great works in the language he put into use in literature. Milton, Shakespeare, and Chaucer are referred to as the three great giants of English literature.

As we witnessed; English literature begins about 700 years ago under the leadership of Geoffrey Chaucer. We consider Chaucer a milestone, where we can observe the linguistic unity in real terms, due to its multi-part and identity structure. Until the 14th century, the English were writing works, but the fact that he wrote poems in the new language style was the main source of Chaucer's recognition as a master.

Chaucer, who was a "pioneer" in Spenser's words, paved the way for future generations of literature. He was the first poet to produce great works in the language he put into use in literature. Milton, Shakespeare, and Chaucer are referred to as the three great giants of English literature.

It has been very painful for England to become what it is today. Free from regional kingdoms; common law, money, official language, parliament, and London being the capital is the result of a 500-year process. Geoffrey was the first pioneering writer of New England.

Family and Adulthood

The surname Chaucer is derived from the French word chausseur, meaning "shoemaker". His family had been in the shoe repair business for centuries. He was born as a member of a popular family with connections within the palace.

Since his father was a wine importer, he had to establish close contacts with foreign countries. It was during these travels that Geoffrey was influenced by the literature of foreign countries. Although we do not have information about his childhood, youth and education, we know that he is literate in many languages.

Succumbing to the fire of his youth, he entered the military. He was taken prisoner during a war in France and was released by the king himself after being ransomed. After years of war-weary, he decided to get married. Because his wife, Philippa, was an influential person, Chaucer earned money and prestige.

After his marriage, he preferred a stagnant life. He wrote adult and humorous articles. He coined the term “Chaucerian” in literature, meaning one who looks to enjoy the rest of life.

Career and Literary Development

His friends in the palace had a great influence on the increase in his status. The king paid him for his services and gave him various duties. He was sent to France and the Netherlands, twice to Italy, often to represent the king in secret negotiations. Travels to Italy are of particular importance because during these trips Dante became acquainted with the works of his contemporary Boccaccio and Petrarca.

The influence of the writers in Italy and the influence of the French order in his poems gave the news of the Renaissance. The realism of the depictions of the characters, which handled the psychology of women in a complex way, was also important in terms of determining the future flow of English literature.

His period was full of intrigues and wars. Despite the ugliness of life, he reflected his cheerful disposition in his works. His most important work, The Canterbury Stories, was to be the subject of the 'cross' journey of 29 people, which would consist of 116 stories in the plan. He created characters from different walks of life. Much of what he dealt with was full of sarcasm. He did not neglect to criticize the use of confession as a money tool on character. He made a veiled satire against the church.