Turkish painter famous for his satires: Who is Cihat Burak?

There is a sense of humor peculiar to the people in Burak's works. This humor also includes philosophical criticism and ridicule. He deals with the contradictions in the life of Turkish society.

Turkish painter. He described his personal life and interests in a sensitive style, including satire. He was born on 8 August 1915 in Istanbul. After completing his secondary education at Galatasaray High School, he graduated from Istanbul Fine Arts Academy Architecture Department in 1943. Until 1953, he held various official positions and worked in architectural offices. He went to France in 1953 with a United Nations scholarship. When he returned home, he was assigned to the Ministry of Public Works. In 1961, he was sent to France to study prefabricated construction methods with the scholarship of the French Government. At the end of the scholarship period, he left his job and stayed in this country; Until that day, he focused on this subject while he was doing his painting works amateurishly. He opened two solo exhibitions and participated in group exhibitions. He won the Utrillo Prize in 1964.

(b. 1915 Istanbul/ Aksaray – d. 13 March 1994 Istanbul)

He returned home in 1965; He became a painting lecturer at the Işık School of Architecture in Istanbul. While working as an architect in various institutions, he continued his painting studies, opened new personal exhibitions in Turkey and abroad, and participated in group exhibitions.

There is a sense of humor peculiar to the people in Burak's works. This humor also includes philosophical criticism and ridicule. It deals with the contradictions in the life of Turkish society. There is a critical realism in his paintings of sultans, blind cats, belly dancers and Kuvayi Milliye veterans. With the birds, peacocks, fountains, columns, and strange types of people he draws, Burak is almost like a storyteller. The multitude of details in his paintings, perhaps from his architecture, aggravate his style a bit, while at the same time constituting his strongest aspect. He is a master at capturing many details of life that can be the subject of a painter. One of the most distinctive features is the humanity and love of people in his paintings.

