One of the great mystics of Western esoteric tradition: Who is Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa?

He thought he was bringing together Kabbalism and Greek philosophy...

(1486-1535) German Sage. He tried to reconcile Kabbalism and Neo-Platonism and establish a link between them and Christian beliefs. He was born in Cologne. According to some sources, he died in Lyon, and according to others, in Grenoble. His life is full of adventures. He was knighted for his usefulness in the 7 Years' War he participated. After a while, he left the military. Having studied medicine, he became a doctor, while also doing alchemical experiments. He went to France and Spain and tried to establish a secret society. Unsuccessful, he switched to Dol. He was accused of impiety while teaching Hebrew. He went to Pavia (Italy) to lecture on the relationship between the motions of the stars and the destinies of men. When he was accused of witchcraft there, he took refuge in Turin. In 1518, he took on different duties with the help of his friends. He also did not stay long in Pavia, as his thoughts against the established traditions of the people led him to be accused of witchcraft. He started touring again and went to Cologne, Geneva, Freiburg, and Lyon respectively.

In 1524, he became the head doctor of King François I's mother, Louise de Savoie. The fact that the Bourbon King, who was at war with France at that time, foreshadowed his success by looking at the stars, aroused great interest. Although some English, Italian, and German nobles were invited to their country, Agrippa went to the Netherlands and undertook the historiography of Emperor Charles V. He was caught and brought to Brussels for a work published in Antwerp and was imprisoned for a year. After he left, he went to Cologne and Lyon. In the last years of his life, he was detained for a long time because of an article by François I about his mother. Agrippa, who was blamed throughout his life for the misunderstanding of his work on the bond, wanted to separate the bond from theology and make it an independent science.

The source of Agrippa's views on astronomy is Aristotle. His thoughts on spirit and angels were also influenced by cabalism.

There are two kinds of elements that make up the universe: fire and air. Fire is of two types, one being "heavenly" and the shadow of the first being "terrestrial". The second important element, because it is thin, is inserted from the body to the soul and transfers the external events to the person in the form of a dream. These two elements can explain everything, especially passions. Passions are divided into two. Hidden qualities that are incomprehensible to man, such as the sensual passions that are not connected to the soul and the attraction of the magnet. These were given to man by God.

Matter and spirit are separate entities. The non-corporeal has no relation to the spiritual. For this reason, it cannot be thought that the spirit will directly give life to matter. The soul, being a substance, moves on its own. Every human soul is a part of the universal soul. He who can comprehend the laws of his own soul also understands the spirit of the universe, so that he can do better things for the world.

The universal spirit exists in every matter in varying degrees. Therefore, it can transfer alchemy from objects with a lot of spirits to those with less. With this method, it is possible to transform every substance into another object, for example, gold.

In De Incertitudine et Sanitate Scientiarum, written in the last years of his life, he denied much of what he had said earlier. 'He claimed that there is only one solution to all problems and that it originates from God.


De Occulta Philosopbia, 1527, (“Secret Philosophy”);

De Incertitudine et Sanitate Scientiarum, 1527, (“The uncertainty and emptiness of the sciences”);

De Triplici Ratione Cognoscendi Deum, 1550, (“The Trinity Rule of Knowing God”);

De Feminej Sexus Proecellentia, 1550, (“On the Utilities of Women”).

Theosophy and Theurgy in the 16th Century and the 21st.
