One of today's most prominent conspiracy theorists: Who is David Icke?

David Icke was a professional footballer who played for Coventry City and Hereford United football teams in the early part of his career. However, he had to quit football in 1973 due to arthritis.

He then started working as a sports reporter for the BBC in the 70s and 80s. Later, he became interested in politics and became one of the spokespersons of the UK Green Party in 1988. In the 1990s, he became interested in the New Age movement and sought alternative treatments for arthritis, and stated that he had a spiritual experience while in Peru. After returning to the United Kingdom, he resigned from the party he was a member of and started wearing only turquoise clothes, believing that he would receive positive energy. He would later give up this habit.

David Vaughan Icke (born 29 April 1952) is an English conspiracy theorist and a former footballer and sports broadcaster. He has written over 20 books, self-published since the mid-1990s, and spoken in more than 25 countries.

During his meeting with Terry Wogan in April 1991, his influence in society suddenly changed. He stated that it was the Son of the Godhead, making apocalyptic predictions. He stated that his words were misunderstood as a result of angry and sarcastic reactions.

Some of the conspiracy theories:

That a Jewish group is behind Covid 19.

That 5G networks cause people to be unable to transfer oxygen to their cells.

Germany is preparing to legalize rape for Muslim men.

The work that brought him the most fame was his book The Biggest Secret (1999). According to what they write in this book, those who rule the world are not actually humans, but a reptilian species (otherwise known as Reptilian, Reptoid, Reptiloid, Icketilians, Draconians, or Lizard People).

These Reptilians are involved in secret organizations such as the Illuminati and Freemasons and are busy enslaving the human species by holding high positions, from US presidents to British kings and queens. In fact, it is said that they have been doing this since ancient times. The "Anunnaki" deities in the Babylonian creation myth are given as an example of this. Going further, it is stated that they are 4th-dimensional beings with the ability to change shape, coming from the Draco (Dragon) constellation, and that they have a length between 1.5 and 3.7 meters.

Some have claimed that this alien species also built underground cities, and some Christians even thought these were a code name for “Jews” rather than aliens.

It is a good message that Icke wants people to wake up instead of living blindly in his books, but none of the reasons he offers behind the message have been proven to date. Other than showing old and extremely low-resolution videos, some of which feature famous leaders displaying reptilian looks, they offer no indication that these people are not human.

What Icke does is simple: Instead of providing any useful explanation about the already extremely complex world, he makes the situation even more complicated with his claims. How can these giant Reptilians take on human bodies? Were there no abnormalities observed in the health checks of the leaders in question? If there is an organization called Illuminati and it is run by Reptilians, why didn't they assassinate Icke, who has been trying to expose them since the 90s?

As you can see, many questions can be asked. There are no scientific, testable, and logical answers to these questions. Although Icke told people: "Don't live blindly, wake up!" Even if he gives messages like this, he seems to blindly believe his own claims.