He started his career in science fiction, then focused on horror: Who is Dean Koontz?

We can describe him as a writer whose works have been translated into forty languages, America's most popular thriller novelist, a master of dark dreams, or, as written in The Times, a literary acrobat.

Born in 1945, Koontz entered the world of science fiction by publishing his story 'Soft Come The Dragons' in FSF (Fantasy and Science Fiction) magazine in 1967.

His first novel, 'Star Quest', was published in 1968. After this, Dean Koontz published more than twenty science fiction novels under different names in five years. Pushing the limits of being human in his science fiction stories, Koontz introduces us to the world of monstrous children, mutants, cyborgs, and robots.

Koontz's novel, 'Nightmare Journey', which has a dark tone and was published in 1975 and can be considered within the framework of traditional science fiction, although complex, tells the story of a human being expelled from the stars and imprisoned on Earth by an alien intelligence that is impossible to comprehend, a hundred thousand years after our time. It describes humanity that has regressed into a religious Middle Ages amidst radiation and mutations.

Dean Ray Koontz (born July 9, 1945) is an American author. His novels are billed as suspense thrillers, but frequently incorporate elements of horror, fantasy, science fiction, mystery, and satire. Many of his books have appeared on The New York Times Best Seller list, with fourteen hardcovers and sixteen paperbacks reaching the number-one position. Koontz wrote under a number of pen names earlier in his career, including "David Axton", "Deanna Dwyer", "K.R. Dwyer", "Leigh Nichols" and "Brian Coffey". He has published over 105 novels and a number of novellas and collections of short stories, and has sold over 450 million copies of his work.

Koontz, who started his career with science fiction, concentrated on horror after 1975 and became one of the best-selling authors of this genre.

All of Koontz's works, published many novels using the names mentioned above, began to be republished under the name DRK or Dean Koontz from the 1980s onwards. Koontz, who lives in Southern California, has been living solely as a writer since 1969, and whose books have sold nearly one hundred and fifty million copies, has a wide range of works ranging from comedy to fantasy, from science fiction to horror. Not content with these, Koontz also wrote two essays; In this way, he taught budding writers how to write more than fifty books and become a best-selling author.

The books 'Writing Popular Fiction', published in 1972, and 'How to Write Best Selling Fiction', published in 1981, were written not to sell well, but to do charity for the writer and illustrator.

Life is perhaps a game played on us by Dean Koontz with a thousand and one faces. It is not yet clear why he appears with a different name in each book. This goes to Dean Koontz, or I don't know, Brian Coffey, Deanne Dwyer, KR Dwyer, Leigh Nichols, Anthony North, Richard Paige, Owen West, and David Axton. a, to John Hill, to Aaron Wolfe, to DRK, whoever he really is; It actually suits him...

You become one of the world's most important bestselling authors, your life is in front of everyone's eyes, your books are translated into almost all languages of the world, and yet the veil of mystery over your identity is still not fully lifted. On top of that, your name is even mentioned in encyclopedias as "the portrait of the author is still blurry"...

Tucker Series: (under the name Brian Coffey)

1973 Blood Risk

1974 Surrounded

1975 The Wall of Masks

Santa's Twin Series:

1996 Santa's Twin

2004 Robot Santa

Moonlight Bay Series:

1997 Fear Nothing

1998 Seize the Night

Odd Thomas Series:

2003 Odd Thomas

2005 Forever Odd

2006 Brother Odd

2008 Odd Hours

2008 In Odd We Trust

2010 Odd is on Our Side

2012 Odd Apocalypse

2013 Deeply Odd

2015 Saint Odd

Dean Koontz's Frankenstein:

2005 Prodigal Son (with Kevin J. Anderson)

2005 City of Night (with Ed Gorman)

2009 Dead and Alive

2010 Lost Souls

Jane Hawk Series:

2018 The Bone Farm

2016 The Silent Corner

2017 The Whispering Room

2018 The Crooked Staircase

2018 The Forbidden Door

2019 The Night Window


1968 Star Quest

1969 The Fall of the Dream Machine

1969 Fear That Man

1970 Beastchild

1970 The Dark Symphony

1970 Hell's Gate

1970 Anti-man

1971 The Crimson Witch

1971 Demon Child (under the name Deanna Dwyer)

1971 Legacy of Terror (under the name Deanna Dwyer)

1972 A Darkness in My Soul

1972 The Flesh in the Furnace

1972 Starblood

1972 Warlock

1972 Children of the Storm (under the name Deanna Dwyer)

1972 The Dark of Summer (under the name Deanna Dwyer)

1972 Chase (under the name Dwyer)

1972 Dance With The Devil (under the name Deanna Dwyer)

1973 The Haunted Earth

1973 A Werewolf Among Us

1973 Hanging on

1973 Demon Seed

1973 Shattered (under the name KR Dwyer)

1974 After the Last Race

1975 Dragonfly (under the name Dwyer)

1975 Nightmare Journey

1975 Invasion (under the name Aaron Wolfe)

1975 The Long Sleep (under the name John Hill)

1976 Prisoner of Ice / Icebond (under the name David Axton)

1976 Night Chills

1977 Time Thieves

1977 The Vision

1977 The Face of Fear (under the name Dwyer)

1979 The Key to Midnight (under the name Leigh Nichols)

1980 Whispers

1980 The Voice of the Night (under the name Brian Coffey)

1980 The Funhouse (under the name Owen West)

1981 The Eyes of Darkness (under the name Leigh Nichols)

1981 The Mask (under the name Owen West)

1982 The House of Thunder (under the name Leigh Nichols)

1983 Darkness Comes / Darkfall

1983 Phantoms

1984 The Servants of Twilight (under the name Leigh Nichols)

1985 The Door to December (under the name Richard Paige)

1985 Twilight Eyes

1986 Strangers

1987 Watchers

1987 Shadow Fires (under the name Leigh Nichols)

1988 Lightning

1988 Oddkins

1989 The Bad Place

1989 Midnight


1991 Cold Fire

1992 Dragon Tears

1993 Mr. murder

1993 Winter Moon

1994 Dark Rivers of the Heart

1995 Intensity

1996 TickTock

1997 Sole Survivor

1999 False Memory

2000 From the Corner of His Eye

2001 One Door Away from Heaven

2002 By the Light of the Moon

2003 The Face

2004 Life Expectancy

2004 The Taking

2004 Robot Santa: The Further Adventures of Santa's Twin

2005 Velocity

2006 The Husband

2007 The Good Guy

2007 The Darkest Evening of the Year

2008 Your Heart Belongs to Me

2009 Relentless

2009 Breathless

2010 What the Night Knows

2011 77 Shadow Street

2013 Innocence

2014 The City

2015 Ashley Bell

2019 Devoted

2020 Elsewhere

2021 The Other Emily


1991 Strange Highways