Probably one of the unluckiest people in the world: Who is Dylan McWilliams?

The odds of being attacked by a shark were one in 11.5 million. He was attacked by a shark. The odds of being attacked by a bear were one in 2.1 million. He was attacked by a bear. The chance of being bitten by a snake was one in 37,500. Bitten!

They say bad luck comes in threes, and for Dylan McWilliams, a 25-year-old from Colorado, that has unfortunately proved true.


This 20-year-old nature-loving American...

He was attacked by a tiger shark while surfing in Hawaii.

He escaped by striking the shark repeatedly and then swimming as fast as he could towards the beach.

Result: 7 stitches to the thigh.

Odds of being attacked by a shark in the United States: 1 in 11.5 million.


A year later, Dylan goes on a wild camping trip and while sleeping in his tent, he is attacked by a grizzly bear that takes his head in its jaws. He escapes by sticking his fingers into the bear's eyes.

Result: 9 staples to close scalp wounds.

The probability of being attacked by a bear in the USA is:

One in 2.1 million probability.


A year later, Dylan goes hiking in Utah and steps on a rattlesnake that bit him.

Since it is far from any hospital and he does not experience much distress, he decides to continue walking. He feels bad for two days, but eventually regains his form.

Odds of being bitten by a snake in the US: 1 in 37,500.

The odds of being attacked by a shark, bear, or snake in your lifetime: are 1 in 894,000 trillion.


Meet the man who's survived a snake, bear, and shark attack