He directed Leonardo's workshop when he was not: Who is Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio?

He caught the attention of Leonardo da Vinci and soon became one of his followers.

(1467-1516) Italian painter. Following in the footsteps of Leonardo, he gave interesting portrait examples. He was born in Milan. He was influenced by painters such as Vincenzio Foppa (1427-1515) and Bernando Zenale. It caught the attention of Leonardo da Vinci and soon became one of his followers. He directed Leonardo's workshop when he had to leave Milan. He worked in Bologna in 1500 and in Rome in 1513 or 1515. Apart from these, he spent his whole life in Milan and died there again.

Giovanni Antonio Boltraffio (or Beltraffio) (1466 or 1467 – 1516) was an Italian painter of the High Renaissance from Lombardy, who worked in the studio of Leonardo da Vinci. Boltraffio and Bernardino Luini are the strongest artistic personalities to emerge from Leonardo's studio. According to Giorgio Vasari, he was of an aristocratic family and was born in Milan.

Apart from the heavy and immobile forms he used in accordance with the Milanese painting tradition, his understanding of painting mostly originates from Leonardo. Initially, he painted half-length portraits of people drawn mostly from mythology and Christian religious circles. These are often paintings that display thickly applied glossy paintwork but lack deep sensibility. Boltraffio later painted portraits with fine workmanship. Meanwhile, he has created a distinctive type of woman with a round and full face and thin fingers. The fact that the half-length portrait of Belle Ferranniere, known to belong to Leonardo in the Louvre Museum, is claimed by some sources to be Boltraffio's work, is proof of his power in the field of portraiture.