The taxi driver that the BBC broadcast live as an internet expert: Who is Guy Goma?

If a list of "famous" ones is made by mistake, Guy Goma may come first. Here is his story:

The Congolese taxi driver was mistakenly placed as a live broadcast guest on the British news channel BBC on 8 May 2006, replacing an internet magazine editor. While the live broadcast was starting, the presenter's facial expression when he misrepresented himself and then his trying to handle the situation was admired, and then he received many offers.

Every day, a new one is added to the adjectives of the taxi driver Guy Goma, who became famous after being broadcast by mistake, instead of a technology expert, by the British broadcaster BBC. First, he was an unemployed computer technician and a taxi driver. He became a television star after the BBC's mistake.

In the first news on the subject, it was said that Guy Goma was a taxi driver waiting for Guy Kewney and was mistaken for the expert himself and appeared on the screen.

However, it was later discovered that Goma had applied for a job as a computer technician at the BBC.

Trying to answer the speaker's questions as much as possible on the screen where he was hurriedly removed, Goma said, "It was a very stressful experience. I wondered why they didn't ask me questions about my job."

Goma, who was called back to the BBC News 24 channel after the mistake was revealed, said that the first interview was very short and that he was ready to return to the screens if necessary and "answer questions on any subject".

But he added that he will want more time to prepare for next time.

The incident started when the producer went to the BBC's television headquarters to pick up IT specialist Guy Kewney and turned to the wrong reception.

It is stated that the producer had seen a picture of Guy Kewney, a middle-aged, bearded, and brown-haired Englishman before the event.

When the receptionist directed him, Guy Goma went to the producer. The producer said, "Are you Guy Kewney?"

After Guy Goma said "Yes", he quickly took himself into the studio.

Business news anchor Karen Bowermann told the editor that her guest "seemed out of breath and overly excited".

Guy Goma thought he was preparing to answer questions about his job application.

In the interview, which was broadcast live on television, Goma was surprised when his name was announced. Then he answered questions as best he could about a lawsuit against computer company Apple and what it means for internet users.

Meanwhile, the real Guy Kewney, sitting at another reception in the same building, watched the interview, approached the staff, and asked why another guest had been aired under his name.

And the error appeared.

Stating that his self-confidence increased after the program on the BBC, Goma said that he could answer the questions asked of him on any subject. A huge army of media, from Japanese television channels to Al Jazeera, interviewed Guy Goma.

Stating that he received advertising offers, Goma said that even model Naomi Campbell congratulated him.