She became one of the most famous writers in the world with a single novel: Who is Harper Lee?

Lee, who wrote several short stories, wrote the famous novel To Kill a Mockingbird in 1960. This work, which is the author's only novel, was found to be very successful, gained great success, and was made into a movie. However, Harper Lee never wrote another novel.

Harper Lee was born on April 28, 1926, in Alabama, USA. She graduated from high school at Huntington College. She studied at the University of Alabama.

After school, she got a job at Eastern Airlines. The author, who later quit her job, started writing.

Harper Lee's single novel is among the best-selling novels in the world. The author started writing with the note her friends sent her as a New Year's gift. This note said that no matter what, she had to quit her job and write. Her friends sent her enough money to last her a year.

Consider a woman who has sold more than 40 million copies with a single work she wrote, excluding the book she published before her death. The name of this woman, who was able to create a wide public awareness about racism in the USA with her novel written from the perspective of a 6-year-old girl, is Harper Lee.

During this process, her greatest work emerged. The book To Kill a Mockingbird has become one of the best-selling books since its publication.

In this work, the author reveals, through the eyes of a little girl, her father, who is a lawyer, wants to defend a black young man accused of murder and the striking events that took place.

This work, which won the Pulitzer Prize, is among the best-selling classics even today.

Nelle Harper Lee (April 28, 1926 – February 19, 2016) was an American novelist whose 1960 novel To Kill a Mockingbird won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize and became a classic of modern American literature. She assisted her close friend Truman Capote in his research for the book In Cold Blood (1966). Her second and final novel, Go Set a Watchman, was an earlier draft of Mockingbird that was published in July 2015 as a sequel.

He learned writing from her childhood friend Truman Capote.

Harper Lee's second and last book, In the Shadow of the Rosary Tree, was appreciated as much as her first book. In the book, she conveyed historical periods in a realistic style. It has become a work that has the power to surpass its time compared to contemporary books.

It has already been nominated to be included in the classics category among today's books.

Famous American writer Harper Lee passed away on February 19, 2016, in Alabama, the city where she was born in America.

Summary of life story

Nelle Harper Lee (born April 28, 1926) is an American author.

Born in Alabama, author Harper Lee studied at Huntington College and the University of Alabama. After studying in Oxford, Alabama for a while, she got a job at Eastern Air Lines. Lee, who wrote several short stories, wrote the famous novel To Kill a Mockingbird in 1960. This work, which is the author's only novel, was found to be very successful, gained great success, and was made into a movie. However, Harper Lee never wrote another novel.

To Kill a Mockingbird broke sales records when it was first published and made its author famous in a short time. It won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize for Literature and received an Oscar a year later when it was adapted for the big screen in a movie starring Gregory Peck. The reason why this novel was such a great success was that the events were evaluated in accordance with the child's spirit and imagination.

Harper Lee, Truman Capote's childhood friend, was portrayed by Catherine Keener, who was nominated for an Oscar for this role in Capote (2005), and by Oscar winner Sandra Bullock in Infamous. (2006)