He became famous for his research in Egyptian archeology: Who is James Henry Breasted?

Breasted conducted research in Egypt and studied the history of Egypt and the cultures of the Nile Valley with a contemporary understanding, of their social and cultural development.

(1865-1935) US archaeologist. He became famous for his research on Egyptian archeology. He was born on August 27, 1865, in Rockford, Illinois, USA. After graduating high school in 1888, he began his priesthood training at Chicago Theological Seminary, learning Semitic languages and Hebrew. He studied Hebrew at Yale University. He was sent to Berlin to work on Egyptian history and archeology. He received his doctorate here in 1894. From that date until his death, he served at the University of Chicago.

Breasted founded the Institute of Oriental Studies in 1919, which supported various archaeological excavations, and served as its president until his death. He was elected to the board of directors of the American Schools of Oriental Research in 1926. Due to his scientific studies, he has been made a member of institutions such as the National Academy of Sciences and Academie des Inscriptions.

Breasted conducted research in Egypt and studied the history of Egypt and the cultures of the Nile Valley with a contemporary understanding, of their social and cultural development. He studied ancient Egyptian thought and religion. He carried out excavations and epigraphy studies in Medinet Habu and Luxor, and supported the study of Thebes and Memphis tombs, the publication of the sarcophagus texts of the Middle Empire period, and the research of the prehistory of this region.

One of the regions he worked on was the area south of the Taurus Mountains, where he believed that the first cultures were formed. He excavated at Çatal Höyük, Teli es-Judeide, and Teli Tainat in the Amik Plain as part of the Southeastern Anatolian Prehistoric Studies Project. In Breasted's research in Iraq, excavations were made in places such as Tel al-Asmar, Hafaje, Ishjaly, Horsabad, and an Assyrian dictionary was prepared.