The Young Man Who Made It Easy to Publish on the Web: Who is Matt Mullenweg?

What comes to mind when you think of a blog? WordPress comes first to most of us. WordPress is one of the most important phenomena of the internet world. So who are the names behind it?

Automattic, the company behind WordPress, the world's most widely used open-source content management system (CMS), has become one of the biggest players in the internet ecosystem by creating WordPress.

On the business card of 19-year-old Matt Mullenweg when he founded the open-source blogging software WordPress in 2005, there was once only

1. go to google

2. write matt

3. click I'm feeling lucky

was writing.

According to the information provided by Matt Mullenweg, the founder of the company, which was founded in August 2005, many of the world's largest sites use WordPress. Mullenweg says their goal as open-source software is to make WordPress grow while it remains independent.

Matt Mullenweg shares the same fate as Wikipedia's founder Jimmy Wales in terms of fame, as both are open-source and non-profit. Jimmy Wales is also indirectly non-profit but also does commercial work by developing wp applications with the company Mullenweg Automattic.


How did you become interested in blogging and software development?

I left my Political Science and Philosophy studies at the University of Houston. I've been interested in the web for a long time, and when I discovered the blog, it felt so natural to me. I started developing web commands because I was a bit obsessed with details and was not okay with the status quo.

What are your special skills and how did you acquire them? What technologies and programming languages ​​do you find most valuable?

I'm a bit of a generalist. Therefore, I have a good grasp of standards-based CSS and HTML; Of course, these have really depreciated over the years. (PHP wasn't around yet.) Later, I focused more on the architecture of large-scale and very useful systems. This brought me to much lower layers in the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP, Python) realm.

What are the major challenges you have faced so far?

Growth is always a struggle: scale shifting of equipment, society and people. It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to look at the bigger picture. It's like driving in the dark without turning on your headlights. You probably won't go into potholes, but you won't see any fundamental changes in the ground until it's too late to intervene. Personally, it becomes a big deal to control anything that tries to consume my time and attention; I still have the feeling that I have to eat forty loaves of bread.

In your opinion, what are the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make?

1. Not sharing their ideas and being afraid of their competitors.

2. Trying to make the perfect 1.0 release instead of doing it again and again.

3. Too much focus on money or endings.

4. Not building things that work for them (for those who don't).

5. Trying to do everything on their own.


Founded in 2007, Tumblr was sold to Automattic in 2019.

November 3, 2022

Rebelling against porn demands, Tumblr decided to allow nudity

Automattic's CEO, Matt Mullenweg, said in a statement last month that they would maintain the porn ban but wanted to relax the old strict rules.

The work Mullenweg mentioned was concluded on Tuesday. The new directive announced that nudity will be allowed, but pornography or sexually explicit materials will remain prohibited:

Your posts may contain nudity, adult topics, or sexual themes, as long as they are tagged appropriately. But sexual intercourse etc. Visual depictions of actions remain prohibited on Tumblr.

Matt Mullenweg