Showcase mannequin believed to be real: Who is Pascuala Esparza?

A window mannequin known as "La Pascualita" has been standing in the window of the shop called 'La Popular' since 1930. The 'bride' in question is actually a lifeless mannequin. However, according to the legend, this mannequin is actually the well-preserved corpse of a young girl.

He put his dead daughter in the window! She has been in the same place for 94 years: 'She has real hands, she even has varicose veins in her hands.

Exactly 94 years ago in Mexico, a bridal shop named Pascuala Esparza wanted to display the wedding dresses she had sewn as usual in her window. What made this quite ordinary event extraordinary was the mannequin that was believed to be lifeless by the wedding dressmaker. We say believed because according to what is said, Pascuala Esparza dressed the wedding dress she sewed on a living person and placed it in the showcase. How Does?


Mummified bodies still attract attention in many parts of the world today. Some of them are displayed to visitors in museums and some in sacred places. However, one of them is quite interesting. We are talking about the mannequin named 'La Pascualita' standing in the window of a bridal shop in Mexico. You heard right, the 'inanimate mannequin' has a name. Moreover, visitors from various parts of the world flock to Mexico to see it.

The model's hair looks like it belongs to a real woman and her looks are unlike any other model's.

Another claim of the legend is that the mannequin in question bears a surprising resemblance to the shop owner's daughter, Pascuala Esparza!

Esparza's mother is said to have had her daughter embalmed before placing her in the window of her bridal shop.

There are two claims put forward as the cause of the young girl's death: It is said that she was stung by a poisonous insect or that she committed suicide because her mother did not approve of the upcoming marriage...

This terrible rumor started in the small Mexican town of Chihuahua and spread all over the world...

The details strengthen the claims that this is a dead bride, not a lifeless mannequin: Realistic hands and varicose veins...

A corpse that has been on display for over 90 years in scorching heat cannot remain this fresh!

Summary of Pascuala Esparza's story

However, it is true that thanks to the story of La Paculiata, the shop has become the focus of tourists...

Allegedly, the model was the daughter of the store's owner, Pascuala Esparza. When the girl died as a result of a poisonous spider bite shortly before her marriage, it is claimed that the mother Pascuala tried to mummify her daughter and immortalize her.

When it was put on display for the first time on March 25, 1930, local people could not hide their surprise at the reality of the mannequin and, due to rumors, began to believe that it was the body of Pascuala's daughter. Even though Pascuala denied the allegations at that time, the public chose not to believe him. While the name of Pascuala's daughter was forgotten over time, this mysterious mannequin in the store window, which was said to be very similar to Pascuala, began to be known as "La Pascualita" (Little Pascuala). Those who later took over the store did not remove the mannequin from the display case. One of the store employees says that he could not get close to La Pascualita, but he saw that the model even had thin varicose veins on her feet. Other popular rumors include that the model watches everything around her with her gaze and changes position in the window at night.