He became famous as the editor-in-chief of Spectator magazine: Who is Peter Ackroyd?

The Spectator, a weekly magazine that focuses on political and cultural issues, has a conservative and Eurosceptic streak in its inclination. For most commentators, a good relationship with the USA is more important than getting along with Continental Europe.

British biographer, novelist, critic. Born in London in 1949, Ackroyd completed his education at Cambridge University. He then went to Yale University for two years with a special scholarship. Ackroyd is known for his novels and non-fiction works on British history and culture, especially London.

Peter Ackroyd was born in London in 1949. He graduated from Cambridge University. He worked as a researcher at Yale University. Ackroyd was editor-in-chief of Spectator magazine and also chief book reviewer of The Times newspaper.

Additionally, his articles were published in various newspapers and magazines.

Peter Ackroyd (born 5 October 1949) is an English biographer, novelist and critic with a specialist interest in the history and culture of London. For his novels about English history and culture and his biographies of, among others, William Blake, Charles Dickens, T. S. Eliot, Charlie Chaplin and Sir Thomas More, he won the Somerset Maugham Award and two Whitbread Awards. He is noted for the volume of work he has produced, the range of styles therein, his skill at assuming different voices, and the depth of his research.

His first novels are The Great Fire of London (1982), The Last Testament of Oscar Wilde (1983), which received the Somerset Maugham Literary Award, Hawksmoor (1985), and Chatterton (1987). Apart from these, there is also a two-volume poetry book and essay books. Like Ackroyd's novels, his biographies of Charles Dickens and T S Eliot have been nominated for numerous literary awards.


The Spectator

The Spectator, a weekly magazine that focuses on political and cultural issues, has a conservative and Eurosceptic streak in its inclination. For most commentators, a good relationship with the USA is more important than getting along with Continental Europe. The editorial position of this magazine is a good starting position for entering politics, more specifically the Conservative Party. Boris Johnson was head of the Spectator before becoming mayor of London in 2016 and prime minister in 2019.