He became one of the strongest pioneers of photojournalism: Who is Robert Doisneau?

Robert Doisneau, born on April 14, 1912, worked in the photography service of Renault factories and then worked in various magazines. Hired by a photography agency in 1939, the artist searched for photo stories on the streets of France and took his first professional photographs there.

The life of Robert Doisneau, one of the important photographers of the twentieth century, is so uneventful and unprompted at first glance that we immediately feel that this situation is reflected in the calm, sometimes sad beauty and clarity of perception in his photographs.

Compared to this docile and introverted character of his character, the later stages of his photography career were more colorful and lively.

During World War II, he both served in the military and took war photographs. He started working as a fashion photographer for the famous Vogue magazine in 1948.

Robert Doisneau (14 April 1912 – 1 April 1994) was a French photographer. From the 1930s, he photographed the streets of Paris. He was a champion of humanist photography and with Henri Cartier-Bresson a pioneer of photojournalism. Doisneau is known for his 1950 image Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville (The Kiss by the City Hall), a photograph of a couple kissing on a busy Parisian street.

In 1950, he took his memorable photograph "Le baiser de l'hôtel de ville". The photo became a symbol of young love in Paris. The 1960s were the years when the photographer reached his peak.

The photographer's first works were taken to the Oxford Museum of Modern Art in 1992. Additionally, a work by Doisneau was sold to a Swiss collector in 2005 for 155 thousand euros. Robert Doisneau died on April 1, 1994.

Interestingly, Doisneau, who studied engraving and lithography, first started photography by photographing paving stones. The artist, who said that education could happen anywhere other than school, frequently used Paris subways to reach different people.

Robert Douisneau, who has approached street photography poetically for many years, has recorded the playful sides of people in a surreal, but always humanistic manner.

In Doisneau's ironic photographs; Children, workers, young lovers, soldiers, madmen, in short, all the characters of life are included. The strong light effect in photographs using black-white contrast has enabled the creation of a deeper visual style. The fact that some of his works were fictionalized brought about a lot of criticism during his time.

“Life is a theater and I had a lot of fun in this theater. We've always tried to make something fun. "Also, we are getting older, the important thing is to be curious and continue to be curious."