Life was not about eating, sleeping, living in a small lake: Who is Samed Behrengi?

The story of the Little Black Fish is as popular with the people of the East as the Little Prince. Iranian writer of children's stories and novels of Azerbaijani origin. The author died at the age of 29 in an accident while swimming in the river.

However, many did not believe this accident and claimed that Behrengi was killed by Shah's secret police organization. Because Samed Behrengi, with the literature he created, was criticizing Shah's order and opposed the oppression regime.

(1939-1968) Iranian writer. He is known for his allegorical tales and stories. He was born in Tabriz. He worked as a primary school teacher in Azerbaijan villages for eleven years. While he was teaching in villages, he engaged in research on Azerbaijani folk literature. He started writing fairy tales and stories for children in the 1960s. The element of social criticism in the allegorical stories he wrote led to him being followed by the Iranian secret police. He published his stories under various pseudonyms. With the tale of Little Black Fish, he received the gold award for the best foreign children's book in Italy. He was found drowned in the Aras river in 1968. Rumors spread among the public that the Iranian secret police SAVAK caused his death.

Behrengi wrote his tales for children, but since each tale is a parable, it was possible to find messages for adults as well. Like most writers writing under conditions of censorship, he used allegory as a tool for social criticism. In the animal stories he wrote in the Aisoposian genre, he expressed the human being's effort to know and learn and the power of cooperation.


One Peach A Thousand Peaches tells about the fantastic relationship between two children and two peach trees. For children who give the peach the love it deserves and secretly plants the remaining seeds on the ground, the peach will yield a thousand fruits for one seed, but when one of the children dies as a result of a snake bite, the other child is offended and decides to leave. But there are thousands of flowers on the peach, and it will be a peach.

Seeing these, the wicked gardener rejoices, but this joy is premature. The peach sheds all its flowers and the gardener has lost all hope. This story told in a fairy-tale language, has content that highlights love, friendship, sharing, and the struggle against greed and labor.

Little Black Fish questions his sense of curiosity. Curiosity is bad. Curiosity begins to ask questions. Asking is dangerous. You don't know where you're going. Therefore, it is taught to accept rather than ask.

The Catfish in our story also talks about a fish that is excluded by its environment because it asks questions. But the fish is indomitable and follows their questions. Where will this journey take him? Freedom or captivity? Or the feeling of freedom created by finding the answers to their questions?