He could not compose for 4 years because of criticism: Who is Sergei Rachmaninoff?

The story of the great composer Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff, who knew how to deal with the troublesome situations he faced and wrote his name in the history of music with golden letters.

He is one of the greatest pianists and composers of the 20th century. He is the last great composer of Russian romanticism. After the October Revolution in his country, he settled in the USA and became a US citizen.

Born on April 1, 1873, Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff is the fourth child of one of Russia's well-established and wealthy families. Rachmaninov, whose mother and grandfather are musicians, started his musical education at the age of four with the piano. Due to financial difficulties, he moved to Saint Petersburg with his family, and at the age of 10, he started his years in music schools with the Saint Petersburg Conservatory.

Early Music Education

Although Rachmaninov drew attention in many events with his live performance and talent during his time at the Petersburg Conservatory, he was in danger of being expelled from the school because he did not care about his exams.

After the difficult years at the Saint Petersburg Conservatory, the young Rachmaninov enrolled at the Moscow State Conservatory upon the recommendation of the composer Franz Lizst.

Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff (1 April [O.S. 20 March] 1873 – 28 March 1943) was a Russian composer, virtuoso pianist, and conductor. Rachmaninoff is widely considered one of the finest pianists of his day and, as a composer, one of the last great representatives of Romanticism in Russian classical music.

While continuing his education at the Moscow State Conservatory, Rachmaninov, who always kept his composer side and encountered a much stricter discipline here, completed his education by successfully passing the music theory and practice exams with the help of a friend from the upper periods. After graduation, he started to earn money with his music distribution agreements and music lessons.

When Tchaikovsky, who was a great source of inspiration for him, passed away in 1893, Rachmaninov's passion for music gave way to bitter feelings. The young composer decided to give piano lessons instead of dealing with new compositions for a while.

Ages of Maturity

Rachmaninoff, who made many piano concertos and orchestral works until his graduation, went into a period of depression that lasted for four years when his first symphony, which he published in 1896, was knocked down by Cesar Cui, one of the influential music critics of the period, and he moved away from music for a while.

Who is Rachmaninov?

Rachmaninov, who did not touch music during the first three years of his depression, overcame his fear of composing after regular hypnotherapy sessions and dedicated his piano concerto, which he completed in April 1901, to his doctor Nikolay Dahl. The composer, who returned to music after four years with the uniquely beautiful Piano Concerto No.2, published the greatest piano composition of his career in 1903 and accepted the conductor's offer from the Bolshoi Theater the following year.

Rachmaninoff, who was the conductor of the Bolshoi Theater for 16 years, was very influenced by Richard Wagner, just like Richard Strauss, and became famous for the strict discipline and high standards he applied during his orchestral management. Paying attention to even the smallest detail during his stint in the theater, Rachmaninov gave so much importance to perfection that he performed special works with piano accompaniment with each soloist. Rachmaninov is also one of the pioneers in the arrangement of instruments in the modern orchestra.

Farewell to Russia

The composer, who got married in time and has 2 children, unfortunately, had to go to a change of order due to the escalating tension and political atmosphere in Russia. Rachmaninov, who settled in the city of Dresden, Germany with his wife and two children due to falling living standards and difficult working conditions, could not be permanent in the city, although he was impressed by the music culture and sociality of the city. When Rachmaninov accepted tour offers for the USA and Europe, his family returned to Russia.

During the years away from Russia, Rachmaninov gave numerous recitals, took part in the Boston and New York Symphony Orchestras, and worked with names such as Max Fiedler and Gustav Mahler, who were among the valuable conductors of the period.

Returning to Russia in 1910 because he missed his country and family, Rachmaninov had to leave his homeland for good, this time for a short time. Rachmaninov, who wanted to get away from the chaotic atmosphere created by the revolution that started in 1917, left his country for the last time, selling everything he had and taking his family with him.

The composer, who went on a tour of Scandinavia after crossing the Finnish border, received new offers from the USA in a short time. Reluctantly, Rachmaninov decided to move to the USA permanently because he thought that he could not support his family by composing alone. After settling in the USA, he entered music circles in a short time and started his concerts.

Last Years

Although it slowed down over time, Rachmaninov did not take a break from music until the end of his life. But due to ailments such as high blood pressure, neuralgia, and sclerosis, he moved to California in 1942. The composer, whose financial situation was much better compared to his youth years, but still did not stop working, chose his job every time he had to choose between his health and his job.

But no matter how determined and strong, a person has physical limits set by his body. Because of this, Rachmaninov had to leave his tour in 1942 due to health problems and was hospitalized as soon as he returned home.

The composer, who packed countless successes and beautiful symphonies into his 70-year life, passed away in the spring of 1943.