Who is the 'father' of Java?

James Arthur Gosling (May 19, 1955) is a Canadian computer scientist. He is known as the creator and main designer of the Java programming language.

In 1991, Sun Microsystems aimed to develop a computer programming language for use in new generation computers with a project called "Green Project". James Gosling, trying to predict how the next generation computers will work, predicted that future computers will be integrated into many products as a result of the analyzes he conducted with his team, and they are working on creating a computer programming language that can be written once and run everywhere, which will later be called Java. started.

In fact, an interactive home entertainment system controller was developed to attract the attention of the digital cable television industry. However, companies could not understand how to use this technology, which uses animations, a touch screen and an internet-like network. Here, Java brought these features to the internet by Gosling and his team.

Gosling and his team realized that the distribution of media files and small widgets over a network was actually a perfect fit for the Internet. On top of that, the team was able to run animations, moving virtual objects, and dynamically executable content on a web browser in 1994. Java was integrated into the Netscape Navigator browser in 1995. The variability, efficiency and portability of the Java platform has found its way into many different consumer electronics products today, from personal computers to televisions, from mobile phones to refrigerators.

Who is James Gosling?

James Arthur Gosling was born on May 19, 1955 in Alberta, Canada.

Gosling, who completed his undergraduate education in computer science in 1977, completed his doctorate in the same field in 1983 at Carnegie Mellon University.

Gosling, who wrote an emac version named after himself (Gosling emacs or gmacs) during his doctoral studies, designed many compilers and mail systems.

He also produced a multi-processor version for Unix at Carnegie Mellon University.

Gosling also contributed to the NeWS software and bundle program. He was deemed worthy of many important awards for his successful work.

He started working at Sun Microsystems in 1984. He made great contributions to the company until 2010, when he left the company.

Announcing that he started working for Google a year later on his own website, Gosling transferred to the start-up company Liquid Robotics five months later.

Gosling is a consultant to various companies and his books are followed with interest.

He is referred to as the "Father of Java" because he was the developer of the Java language.