He ate raw meat every day: Who is the 'Liver King' Brian Johnson?

The Instagram phenomenon 'King of Liver' announced the truth that he kept as a secret!

The truth that social media phenomenon Brian Johnson, also known as the 'King of Liver', has been keeping a secret has been deciphered. The confession-like statement of the 'Lung King' disappointed his followers.

The echoes of the secret e-mails of Brian Johnson, known as the 'King of Liver' on social media, continue.

The man with two children living in the USA has 1.7 million followers on Instagram and more than 2 million followers on TikTok.

The reason why the 45-year-old man is so popular is his 'perfect' physique.

Brian describes himself as a 'modern caveman' with his statements and publications since last August.

The man who connects his muscular body to brutal exercises and eating half a kilo of 'raw liver' daily has been in the news many times before.

However, the e-mails that fell on social media caused the truth that the 'King of Liver' was kept secret.

In e-mails that quickly became the subject of social media, he says that Johnson used tens of thousands of dollars worth of performance-enhancing drugs on an unnamed coach in 2021.

After this revelation, Johnson admitted that he owed his muscles to steroids, not to eating raw offal.

The 45-year-old man made the following statements in his video message; 'I screwed everything up. I accept that... I lied.'


A steroid is a lipid with a carbon skeleton consisting of four fused rings. Steroids are formed by the Acetyl CoA biosynthesis pathway.

The most important function of steroids in living things is to be hormones. Steroid hormones show their physiological effects by binding to steroid hormone receptor proteins.

When they bind to these receptors, they cause changes in gene transcription and cell function. The steroid used in the context of Sports or Bodybuilding is known as an 'anabolic steroid'.

The unconscious use of anabolic steroids for purposes such as muscle building and increasing athletic performance without consulting physicians brings with it life threats.
