He takes a walk in nature before making an important decision: Who is Tim Cook?

Since becoming Apple's CEO, Tim Cook has been working to solidify his own legacy. However, he still admires the leadership style of his predecessor, Steve Jobs, according to CNBC.

"When I became CEO, I knew I couldn't be Steve. I don't think anyone can be Steve. I think he was a once-in-a-hundred-years kind of person, original in every aspect of the imagination. So what I had to do was be the best version of myself," Cook, 62, said in an interview.

Tim Cook was born on November 1, 1960, in America. Cook's father worked at the port and his mother worked in a pharmacy. He also has two brothers.

Cook graduated from Robertsdale High School in 1978. Then he started studying Industrial Engineering at Auburn University. Cook graduated from the university in 1982 and received a master's degree in business administration, that is, an MBA, from Duke University in 1988.

Timothy Donald Cook (born November 1, 1960) is an American business executive who has been the chief executive officer of Apple Inc. since 2011. Cook previously served as the company's chief operating officer under its co-founder Steve Jobs.

Tim Cook was a very successful student. So much so that he graduated from both high school and his master's degree with high degrees. Cook's successful education life helped him climb the career ladder quickly.

After completing his master's degree, Cook decided that he wanted to work in computer technologies. In this context, he first worked at IBM as the person responsible for the logistics of computers in North America.

Cook was so successful that he soon became responsible not only for logistics but also for production.

Tim Cook decided to make a change in his career after working at IBM for about 12 years. In this context, he started working as COO, or business chief, at Intelligent Electronics in 1994. However, his career here did not last long.

After working at Intelligent Electronics for 3 years, Cook started working at Compaq Computer Corporation in 1997. Here, Cook was responsible for sourcing and managing products.

But this was not a suitable place for him either. Tim Cook realized this in a short time and left his job there after 6 months.

We can say that 1998 was the turning point in Tim Cook's life. This year, Steve Jobs offered Cook a job at Apple. Thus, Cook's Apple adventure began, which would make Apple one of the largest technology companies in the world.

Tim Cook states that he enjoys hiking. We can say that Cook's passion for sports is combined with business life. Because Cook also serves on Nike's board of directors.

Tim Cook and Apple

Cook first started working at Apple as Vice President of International Operations. First of all, it reduced the number of Apple's existing warehouses. The company's profit margin thus increased in a short time.

Cook's actions were appreciated by Apple management. So much so that Cook rose within Apple in a short time. In 2007, Cook started to serve as COO of the company.

Cook's business acumen helped Apple rise. Apple's revenues increased dramatically after Tim Cook took the job. Therefore, it was considered certain that Cook would become Apple's CEO after Steve Jobs.

Cook was also the CEO of Apple during the treatment period of Jobs, who had cancer.

By 2009, Jobs' disease had progressed further. Jobs was left on leave for 6 months for his treatment. Apple management also decided to continue Cook as CEO. Cook had done a great job while Jobs was away.

Jobs went on leave for his treatment for the third time in 2011. Apple management must have been pleased with Cook's performance as CEO, so Cook was appointed as Apple CEO when Jobs was on leave again.

Although Cook appeared to be the CEO for a while, Jobs continued to make the decisions. However, after a while, Jobs' illness progressed and he had to leave the job completely.

Apple CEO Started in 2011

Apple management announced that Tim Cook was the new Apple CEO in August 2011, after Jobs resigned.

After Cook was appointed CEO, he made major changes in management. In 2012, almost all of Apple's management changed.

This change received a lot of reaction at first. However, Apple's revenues began to grow less than expected. Therefore, Cook argued that such a change should occur.

As a matter of fact, we can say that Cook was right. After the management change, Apple's revenues rose to expected levels again. Apart from this, some of Apple's policies changed with the new management.

Apple, which previously focused on providing services only in certain areas, acquired many companies with the changing board of directors. Thus, the areas served by the company grew.

Apart from this, Apple aimed to produce devices only in certain categories. However, the changing board of directors gave the company a new vision, and the number of categories in which the company produces increased.

Steve Jobs was a very successful businessman. There is no doubt that he contributed a lot to Apple. However, Cook has also accomplished significant work for Apple. Thanks to his work at Apple, Cook received awards such as the Most Successful Business Person of the Year and the Best Leader many times.

Tim Cook still continues to work at Apple.