Over $50 has his picture: Who is Ulysses Simpson Grant?

He is the president of the United States and one of its famous generals. Toward the end of the American Civil War, he was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Armies of the North. His usefulness in the war enabled him to be elected president.

Ulysses Simpson Grant; The US soldier is the 18th president.

He graduated from West Point Military Academy in 1843. He became a captain after the US-Mexico War of 1846-1848. He left the army in 1854 and worked in various jobs. When the Civil War began, he took on the task of recruiting and arming volunteers. After a while, he went to Missouri with the irregular regiment of the 21st Illinois Volunteers, where he was appointed commander. Shortly thereafter, he was promoted to the Southern Missouri Area Command as a brigadier general. In 1862, he captured the Henry and Donelson castles. In 1863, he captured Vicksburg and imprisoned 30,000 Southern soldiers, weakening the Southern Army.

After defeating General Bragg's troops, he was summoned to Washington by Lincoln and promoted to lieutenant general, and appointed commander-in-chief of the Northern Armies. In the series of attacks launched by the Southern Armies under the command of General Lee in 1864, both armies suffered heavy losses. He captured Petersburg in 1865, from which General Lee had to withdraw. He left the War Department shortly after Lincoln's death (1865), where he was brought in by Johnson.

Ulysses S. Grant (Hiram Ulysses Grant; April 27, 1822 – July 23, 1885) was an American military officer and politician who served as the 18th president of the United States from 1869 to 1877. As commanding general, he led the Union Army to victory in the American Civil War in 1865 and thereafter briefly served as U.S. secretary of war. Later, as president, Grant was an effective civil rights executive who signed the bill that created the Justice Department and worked with Radical Republicans to protect African Americans during Reconstruction.

He was elected as the 18th President of the USA as the Republican Party candidate in the 1868 elections. He was re-elected president with a large majority in 1872. With the first law he approved, the printing of paper money, which was constantly losing value, was stopped. He lost the prestige he gained in the American Civil War due to illegal practices such as bribing the members of Congress and pressure on workers to provide some privileges by the industry sector, which was rapidly monopolized during his administration. His presidency ended in 1877. The memoirs of Grant, who spent the last years of his life in poverty, were published by the famous writer Mark Twain: Personal Memoirs 1885-1886.

Childhood and youth

Grant was born in Ohio in 1822. His father was a leather trader. A year after Grant was born, the family settled in Georgetown. They had a farm inherited from my grandfather. Since Ulysses Grant was the eldest son of a family of six children, his father paid much attention to him and made all kinds of sacrifices for his good upbringing. He enrolled at West Point, America's most famous military school, in 1839.

Ulysses Grant, an officer, met and fell in love with a young girl named Julia Dent while working in the infantry division in St Louis. They married in 1848. Ulysses Grant owes most of his career success to his wife. Julia Grant was very understanding towards her husband and helped him in every way.

Ulysses Grant was forced to leave the army in 1851. He retired to his farm and devoted himself to earthworks, and did nothing else for four years.

Ulysses Grant was approaching forty when the Civil War broke out. Ulysses Grant re-enlisted as Lincoln began recruiting volunteers. Command of all Northern troops in the West was given to Ulysses Grant, his rank was promoted to general. After this success, the armies of the Northerners won the war with the efforts of Ulysses Grant.

After the war ended, he was nominated for president by the Republican Party in the 1869 elections and won the election. But Ulysses Grant, who was a good soldier, did not become a good statesman. At a time when post-war America needed a very good administration, Ulysses Grant made many administrative mistakes and put the country in a difficult position. But since the supporters of the Republican Party are very rich and influential people, Ulysses Grant won in the second period as well. During his second term presidency, the situation worsened.

After Ulysses Grant stepped down from the presidency, he invested all his earnings in a bank business, but the bank did not do well, Grant went bankrupt. He tried to make a living by writing articles for various magazines. At the same time, he was writing his memoirs. The famous American writer Mark Twain collected the memoirs of Ulysses Grant in two volumes. Ulysses Grant contracted cancer while writing the last part of his memoirs. He died a short time later. His body was buried with a magnificent ceremony. The Americans forgot that he was a bad statesman, and they found it more appropriate to honor him as a great hero.