Ancient Egyptian God: Who is Osiris?

He is the god of gods in ancient Egyptian mythology. He is the husband of the goddess Isis and the father of Horus. Osiris was the supreme god until the Egyptian people began to worship the god Amon.

By Jane Dickens Published on 29 Ağustos 2023 : 21:35.
Ancient Egyptian God: Who is Osiris?

After being depicted in embodied forms such as the bull, ram, and Benu bird, it became widespread with its humanoid appearance (on the throne or standing, wrapped with white ribbons, a crown on its head, a symbol of sovereignty, a whip and a king's scepter); He was worshiped as a king-god, possessing life-force, succinct like a seed that sprouts wherever it is needed, dying and resurrecting (Isis sews his dismembered body together).

Osiris is the god of fertility, agriculture, the afterlife, the dead, resurrection, life, and vegetation in ancient Egyptian religion. He was classically depicted as a green-skinned deity with a pharaoh's beard, partially mummy-wrapped at the legs, wearing a distinctive atef crown, and holding a symbolic crook and flail. He was one of the first to be associated with the mummy wrap. When his brother Set cut him up into pieces after killing him, Osiris' wife Isis found all the pieces and wrapped his body up, enabling him to return to life. Osiris was widely worshipped until the decline of ancient Egyptian religion during the rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire.

According to Plutarch, Osiris is the supreme god of the Egyptians. According to this myth, which is generally considered a Mediterranean myth, it is primarily a nature-fertility symbol. In this respect, it is similar to the myths of Adonis-Aphrodite, Attis-Kybele, and Demeter-Korea. The widespread practice of mummification of the dead in Egypt is related to the motif of Osiris's death and resurrection, so it remained on the agenda for centuries.

Information About Osiris

He is the god of gods in ancient Egyptian mythology. He is the husband of the goddess Isis and the father of Horus. Osiris was the supreme god until the Egyptian people began to worship the god Amon.

Osiris was the god of the dead and the afterlife, as well as the god of agriculture, civilization, and goodness. According to mythology, Osiris' brother, Set, represented evil. His brother had tricked Osiris into a chest and threw it into the sea. Isis had found this chest; alone, Set had stolen his brother's body and cut it into fourteen pieces. Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, sought his uncle to avenge his father's death, found him, and killed him.

In works of art, Osiris is represented in various ways. For the most part, it is a human with a trunk like an elephant. In some paintings, Osiris is seen as either a goose-headed or a rooster-headed human. It also has two horns on its head.

Osiris was a very popular god in his time. Many Osiris temples were found during the excavations. There were also those who worshiped Osiris in Rome and adopted his religion; Later Roman law prohibited the worship of Osiris.

Why did Egypt love Osiris?

Egyptian civilization loved Osiris for being a wise and kind king. Osiris also taught them the art of agriculture and the proper rites for worshiping the gods. Having completed the civilizing of the people in Egypt, he left the country to his wife, Isis, and made peace in many places. When he finished his work, he returned to Egypt.


Osiris was the god of the Underworld. He was also one of the Nine Gods. One of his duties as Lord of the Dead was to make the final judgment of the Dead and after that to protect people from the dangers of the Underworld.


13 Facts About Osiris the Egyptian God