Did you know that Newton's nephews are in the cider business?

The apple, which is rumored to have led British physicist Isaac Newton to discover the law of gravity, still lifts his family. Eighth generation nephew does the cider business.

By Stephen McWright Published on 13 Ocak 2023 : 18:07.
Did you know that Newton's nephews are in the cider business?

The law of gravity, discovered by the English mathematician and physicist Sir Isaac Newton in 1665, changed history. It opened the door to the discovery of the secrets of both the Earth and the universe. Legend has it that Newton discovered this law by being inspired by an apple that fell on his head while sitting in the shade of a tree on his family's farm. That legend continues to be the livelihood of Newton's family. Newton's eighth-generation nephew Giles Wood, 67, runs the apple-drinking business.


On the 40-acre farm, Wood grows apples and produces beverages from them with his wife Fran (63), and sons Bertie (31), and Rollo (29). The brand, whose name is 'Isaac Cider', also gave the products of the brand names reminiscent of his great-great-uncle Newton.

It sells 35 thousand bottles per month with names such as 'anti-gravity', 'Math', and 'Refraction'. Some are carbonated, some are alcoholic, and some are plain apple juices. “We both have fun and earn money while we evaluate the most valuable legacy left to our family with this business,” Wood says.

Shall we remember Newton's story?

He was a baby who wanted to come into the world as soon as possible and was born prematurely. This baby was so weak, so frail that everyone around him did not believe he would live. But he lived and found dozens of information that would turn the scientific world upside down. The father of our famous scientist, who was born in Lincolnshire as the child of an English farmer's family, unfortunately, died when he was very young. His mother got married a second time when he was 3 years old. Thereupon, his care was left to his grandmother. He had three more children from his mother's new marriage. But these siblings were not like him, and none of his siblings would be as successful as him in the years to come.

The childhood of this scientist was not as vigorous, lively, and active as his peers. For this reason, he would not participate in many of the games played by his friends. Instead of having fun with his friends, he designed his own entertainment and toys. At times, he made everyone laugh with his interesting jokes. One of them was the kites with lamps he made to scare the villagers at night. In the first moments, the villagers tried hard to understand what it was, meanwhile, there were some very scared among them. But in the end, everyone laughed at the lamps as much as they were afraid of this joke. Apart from that, the water wheels and sundials that he designed by devoting most of his time were signs of how developed his intelligence was.

He completed his primary education in schools in the region. His student life was like everyone else, but his games and interests showed that he was interested in science. His uncle, William, was the first to notice his intelligence. At that time, his mother had returned to the town where they lived after the death of her second husband. In this new life, his mother did not want to leave him to run the farm. But his uncle, William, convinced his mother that this boy had to go to college. And in 1661 the Trinity College years in Cambridge had begun. The successes continued to increase in this period so that the clever boy, who brought short solutions to what his mathematics teacher told him, started to find differential and integral calculus.

This vast intelligence was very concentrated on physics as well as mathematics. The law of gravity, which he had begun to think about so long ago, was still in his mind one day when an apple fell from the tree and confirmed it. Thereupon he wrote a series of articles on the existence of the "General Law of Gravity". Unfortunately, he waited twenty years or so to post this. Because this scientist was very afraid of being criticized and objected to his work. Despite all this, he was able to use his talent enough to rise to the professorship at the age of 27 with his other works.

Considered one of the greatest of scientists, Newton made very important discoveries in mathematics and physics. In mathematics, he found the general binomial theorem that gives the expansion of the expression (a+b)ª to the exponential series. Newton's greatest contribution to science was in the field of mechanics. He put forward the law of gravitation by considering the centrifugal force law and Kepler's laws together. The principle of inertia, known as Newton's laws of motion, is the law expressing that force is equal to the product of mass and acceleration, and the equality of action and reaction is among the most important laws of physics. In addition to these, the 'law of gravity' was one of his most well-known inventions. Isaac Newton died on March 20, 1727, at the age of 85.


I AM A CIDER THINKER Descendant of Sir Isaac Newton making cider from his own apple orchard