Hitler's mysterious life partner: Who is Eva Braun?

The story of Hitler, who lived his private life close to the public, and his mysterious life partner, Eva, is in an important position in illuminating historical information.

By Stephen McWright Published on 24 Ocak 2024 : 14:57.
Hitler's mysterious life partner: Who is Eva Braun?

Braun was born into a modest family. Her father, Friedrich Braun, was a teacher and her mother, Franziska Kronberger, was a seamstress. Eva had an older sister named IIse and a sister named Margarete. After completing her high school education, she studied commerce for one year. During this period, she became interested in athletics. After finishing school, she started working as a salesperson in a store. However, during this period she became interested in photography. Her passion for photography was the most important detail that introduced her to Hitler.


Braun met Hitler when she was just 17 years old. When they met, Hitler was 23 years her senior. At the time, Eva was working as an assistant to Hitler's personal photographer, Henrich Hoffman. While working under Hoffman, she also learned how to take professional photographs. In fact, Eva was the photographer behind many of the Hitler photographs that are in the public domain today. The closeness between the two quickly turned into a romantic relationship. Eva's work with Hoffman caused her to be constantly side by side with Hitler.

Eva Anna Paula Hitler (6 February 1912 – 30 April 1945) was a German photographer who was the longtime companion and briefly the wife of Adolf Hitler. Braun met Hitler in Munich when she was a 17-year-old assistant and model for his personal photographer, Heinrich Hoffmann. She began seeing Hitler often about two years later.


Hitler and Eva generally did not want to be seen in public. Only a few people knew about this relationship. Hitler almost devoted himself to politics at that time. He was very popular among German women. He wanted to use this popularity for political gain. He therefore thought that marriage or a public affair would reduce his popularity among German women. Eva and Hitler never made a public appearance. The only time the two were photographed in a public setting was during the 1936 Winter Olympics when Eva was seated near Hitler.


Eva actually tried every way to keep Hitler's attention. She attempted suicide twice between 1932 and 1935. In her first suicide attempt, she shot himself in the chest with her father's gun. In her second suicide attempt, she took an overdose of sleeping pills. The reason for this suicide was again that Hitler could not spare time for him. To recover relations with his lover, Hitler bought him several properties. As a result, Eva has had a very luxurious lifestyle since then.


By April 1945, World War II was about to end. It was clear that Germany had lost the war, and the Soviet invasion was looming. Even though Hitler insisted, Eva did not abandon him when the war ended. She went from Munich to Berlin to be with her lover. Hitler was so impressed by Eva's loyalty to him that he decided to marry her as the occupation forces approached. They were married in a small, civil ceremony on the evening of April 29, 1945. On April 30, 1945, Hitler and Eva said goodbye to their employees and close circle. Eva and Hitler set out for the underground bunker in Berlin. When they arrived at the bunker, Hitler shot himself in the right temple with a pistol. Eva committed suicide by drinking a cyanide capsule. The dead bodies of the duo were found in Hitler's inner circle.

İnteresting facts

She was in love with Adolf Hitler

You may be wondering what this 17-year-old young girl sees in a 40-year-old man. You may even think that Eva only approached Hitler because of his fame. But when Eva and Hitler met, it was just at the beginning of Hitler's rise and he introduced himself as 'Herr Wolff'.

When Hitler first saw Eva, he adored her with his eyes and invited her home. Although Eva rejected the offer, she spent the next few days with Hitler. Although it was impressive for Eva to invite Eva wherever he went, the later stages of their love dragged Eva into a loveless life.

Hitler was in love with someone else

Although he began a new relationship with Eva, Hitler was mainly in love with his niece, Geli Raubal. It is even possible to say that he does not love anyone as much as Geli. In September 1931, Geli said that she was going to Vienna to get married, and was subjected to Hitler's anger. After two nights of fierce fighting, Geli was found dead.

Everything was just beginning for Eva, who became the second woman at the beginning of their relationship. Hitler has 8 different known emotional relationships. Eva Braun is the one who got her share the most from these relationships that all ended in death...

He constantly cheated on Eva

Hitler cheated on Eva multiple times throughout their relationship. One of the most notable among these was German singer and actress Renate Muller. According to Renate's statements to Adolf Zeissler, Hitler forced Renate to rape him. Hitler, whose demands were not limited to these, later asked Renate to be whipped and humiliated with curses while masturbating. The accuracy of this is unknown, but Renate went down the same path as the women in Hitler's other relationships. She committed suicide by jumping from the window in 1937.

She shot herself to get attention

Unable to bear her open relationship with Hitler, Eva Braun attempted suicide by shooting herself in the chest with her father's gun. It is not known whether it is because she does not know human anatomy or because she does not actually intend to die; She survived by missing. In this way, she perhaps managed to attract Hitler's attention. Hitler went to Eva with flowers in his hands and apologies on his tongue.

Hitler kept his relationship with Eva a secret

It is impossible to understand Eva, who still does not give up her love in the face of such a humiliating attitude. Throughout their relationship, Hitler only brought Eva out into the open when his friends were around. When high-ranking people came to the house, Eva would go to the private room next to Hitler's bedroom and would not leave until Hitler called.

In addition, Hitler constantly humiliated Eva by insulting her. 'Only a very intelligent man would have an affair with a primitive and stupid woman. Imagine having a woman in your life who is constantly interfering with your business. The only thing I want in my spare time is; peace.' Even though he insulted Eva, it didn't change Eva's feelings. During their relationship, he even introduced Eva as his private secretary, but never said she was his lover.

Hitler had Eva's brother-in-law killed

Hermann Fegelein married Eva's sister under Hitler's witness. But one day he was found drunk by German forces. Next to him was another woman, and in his hand was a suitcase full of money he had stolen in Berlin. He was trying to escape from Germany.

Hermann was killed on Hitler's orders. A few hours after this incident, Eva and Hitler got married.

For Hitler, the death of his dog was more saddening than the death of Eva

In the bunker where they were hiding, apart from Eva, Hitler, and a few trusted men, there was also Hitler's dog Blondi. Blondi was like an arch-enemy for Eva. He was always jealous of Hitler's attention and love for Blondi. She was aware that that attention was not shown to her. So even in his final moments, he tried to draw Hitler's attention from Blondi to himself.

When they wanted to end all this chaos and their lives, Hitler first gave cyanide to Blondi. So he would check if it worked. When Hitler saw Blondi's death, he was deeply saddened. According to a nurse who was present, almost no one felt sorry for Eva when she took the cyanide. Even when the dog died, they felt more sadness.

In summary; Eva Braun's life ended loveless and behind closed doors.