The history of pantyhose

The AMERICAN company Du Pont put nylon stockings on the market for the first time on May 15, 1940. Since the sale was announced in advance, fights broke out between the women that day over a pair of socks. That day was called "Nylon Day". 

By William James Published on 2 Ağustos 2022 : 10:44.
The history of pantyhose

The reason for this popularity was that the company said that the staying power of the sock is almost forever. A year before the sale, it was announced at the world fair, which was also held in New York, that the sock made of magic, mysterious substance would be released soon. When the promise was kept a year later, of course, the interest was great.


The FIRST pantyhose were produced by attaching nylon stockings to the upper stretch nylons, so the attachment limits were clearly visible. In order to wear these stockings properly, women had to pull the tights up almost to their chin. Only in this way did the sock fit the leg and foot properly. Of course, the necessity to wear it like this did not contribute much to the popularity of the first tights. After a while, guides on how to wear were included in every package of pantyhose sold.

Pantyhose, called sheer tights, or tights, are close-fitting legwear covering the wearer's body from the waist to the toes. Mostly considered to be a garment for women and girls, pantyhose first appeared on store shelves in 1959 for the advertisement of new design panties (Allen Gant's product, 'Panti-Legs') as a convenient alternative to stockings and/or control panties which, in turn, replaced girdles.


A stripper named Sally Rand has a big role in the history of pantyhose. The stripper, who objected to the fact that the place of attachment was obvious in the first models, took a photo of her only in this pantyhose and sent it to the director of the company. In the note She attached, she didn't want that joint to be seen so that she could give the appearance of complete nudity when she went on stage with this stocking. Miss Sally realized that pantyhose could make legs and body look better, and she was trying to find the best way to use it in her profession. The photo was forwarded to the head of the company. It is unknown whether his wife found this photo and what happened if he did, but the company justified this complaint and embarked on an invention of pantyhose with no place to attach.


In her work “WHATWeWore,” Ellen Melinkoff wrote that “Tights ‘edit’ the legs, hiding hairs, some scars, and cellulite” (Encyclopedia of Culture p.375). Firms told in their sales that the real value of pantyhose lies here. The sexy dimension was introduced later, with such success that even the pantyhose fetishism was created. Men are also weird, they can create a fetish out of whatever they find. First there was the garter and nylon fetish, then the pantyhose fetish was created. If they find it naked, they're talking about a foot-leg fetish this time.


It is said that a hundred billion pairs of pantyhose are sold annually in America ONLY. As you can see, this has turned into a pretty big industry and there is a lot of competition in the industry.

YEAR 1959

AGAIN, the Glen Raven Mills company in the State of North Carolina in the United States released the first pantyhose, called Panti-Legs, in 1959. But this time, no one was as excited, not even news, as when nylon stockings were first introduced in 1940. To put it bluntly, no one knew exactly what to do with this new product, how to use it. The company's president, Ellen Grant, overheard his wife's complaints about nylon stockings and suspenders, and asked her employees to do something. On top of that, the company thought of a product that would eliminate complaints.


YES, it was durable, and yes, it might have brought some imperfections and cellulite to women who could not fully take care of their legs, but nylons were very troublesome to wear. In particular, the necessity of wearing suspenders was repulsive and difficult for women. It was necessary to invent a nylon that eliminates the garter. Due to this need, pantyhose was finally reached.


While the search was going on, a fashion that made pantyhose a necessity has started. The miniskirt was created by a woman named Mary Quant in London, and it suddenly took hold in London in the 1960s, when it was wildly amused. From there, it spread to America and the world through Hollywood movies. It was impossible to wear garter nylons with a miniskirt, but a stocking was also needed. Because especially super mini skirts leave women almost naked, there was an urgent need for a stocking design that would hide imperfections and invisible spots. It was in this environment that pantyhose as we know it today were created and very popular in the market.