Who owns the patent for hydraulic brake technology?
They are the brakes provided by the friction force with oil pressure. It is mostly used in automobiles. The oil, which the driver presses the brakes, spreads from the center pump to the wheels and ensures the braking of the vehicle. The hydraulic oil used in hydraulic brakes is a special mineral oil.

Before the invention of the hydraulic brake, different levers and other braking systems were developed. However, their biggest disadvantage was that they required maintenance at regular intervals so that they could brake evenly on all wheels. Hydraulic brakes, invented by Malcolm Laugheed in 1918, corrected this problem and provided much more responsive braking.
Hydraulic brakes work by connecting a series of pistons directly to the torch pedal and torch discs. All these are connected to a central reservoir. In its early days, this chamber contained an incompressible mixture of water and alcohol. The change in diameters of the pistons results in the pressure within the system being applied to the brake pedal. This pressure, which is harder than previous braking systems, causes cars to stop much more quickly and efficiently.
Malcolm Loughead (later spelled out to Lockheed*) patented this invention in 1917. "Lockheed" is a common term for brake fluid in France.
Lougheed's invention was first used by the Duesenberg engine company in the Model A vehicle produced in 1921. Although it was better than the previous braking system, other car manufacturers were in no hurry to integrate this technique into their cars, possibly due to some leaking problems. With the development of technologies used in pistons and other related car parts, hydraulic brakes began to be used in all cars, with Ford integrating this technology into its cars in 1938.
*Lockheed Corporation was an American aviation company originally formed as Loughead Aircraft Manufacturing Company. It was founded by Allan Lockheed and his brother Malcolm Loughead in 1912 and later merged with Martin Marietta to form Lockheed Martin in 1995.