Who and when invented the Yoyo, which made history as the first toy in space?
Have you ever wondered what children played with thousands of years ago? The answer to this question is quite interesting. Because toys from ancient times are almost the same as today.

It is in the historical records that the oldest known toy is a doll. But the second oldest known toy is much more exciting than that: the Yoyo.
The yoyo, whose first known name is Diabolo, originated in China around 1000 BC. However, the first written records about this toy were found in 500 BC. During archaeological excavations, terracotta discs resembling yo-yos from the Ancient Greek Period were unearthed, and vases depicting children playing with yo-yo-like objects were found.
When the name of the yoyon, which has been in use since ancient times, reached Europe, its magic managed to influence the children of that period as well. By the 1700s, the yo-yo was now the most popular children's plaything for royalty and the aristocratic class.
The yoyo, a toy that never goes out of style, is actually the second oldest known toy in history.
In the 19th century, a patent application was made for this toy in America by James L. Haven and Charles Hettrick. The invention, which they named "The Whirligig", was registered by the American Patent Office on November 20, 1866 with the number US 59,745. The invention in question was conceived as two metal discs held together by a rivet in the center, and the thread passing through the center of this disc was designed to be attached to the holes in one or both of the metal discs.
Different names were used in different geographies for this toy, which has undergone many changes over time. The name Yoyo was first used in the 1920s by Pedro Flores, a toy maker of Philippine descent. Although Flores never owned the patent for this toy, he registered the yoyo name as a trademark and introduced it to the American market with his company called "Yoyo Manufacturing Company".
The yoyo owes its popularity to this day to businessman Donald F. Duncan, who bought the rights to the yoyo from Flores in the 1930s. With Duncan's investments, the yo-yo has spread all over the world and has become an indispensable toy for children as well as adults. So much so that in 1965 the court ruled that the name yoyo had become generic and could no longer be used as a brand.
Today, as computers and tablets have replaced toys, the yoyo is still a popular toy with a cult status, although it is not as handy as it used to be. The yo-yo competitions held in various countries of the world also play an important role in the survival of this ancient toy.