Nobel physicist who gave the recipe for cooking pasta to Europeans experiencing energy crisis: Who is Giorgio Parisi?

The recipe shared by Nobel physics laureate Professor Giorgio Parisi on how to cook pasta by saving gas became the agenda of the world. So who is Parisi; Why did he win the Nobel? Here is his story:

By Stephen McWright Published on 4 Ekim 2022 : 18:10.
Nobel physicist who gave the recipe for cooking pasta to Europeans experiencing energy crisis: Who is Giorgio Parisi?

Born in 1948, Italian theoretical physicist Giorgio Parisi focused his work on quantum field theory, statistical mechanics and complex systems.

Parisi graduated from Sapienza University of Rome in 1970 and worked as a professor of theoretical physics at the University of Rome Tor Vergata between 1981-1992.

Parisi's discoveries, still professor of Quantum Theories at Sapienza University in Rome, led to the understanding and explanation of many different and apparently completely random substances and phenomena.


The 2021 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded to Syukuro Manabe, Klaus Hasselmann, and Giorgio Parisi for their groundbreaking contributions to the understanding of complex physical systems.

The award was shared among 3 scientists. Half of the award went to Syukuro Manabe and Klaus Hasselmann, while the other half went to Giorgio Parisi.

For Parisi's award, "He discovered a hidden order among disordered complex materials. His discovery made a great contribution to the theory of complex systems. Thanks to this discovery, it allowed us to learn many things, not only in physics, but also in fields such as mathematics, biology, neuroscience and machine learning." .

September 2022

Nobel laureate physicist shares pasta recipe that will save money

Professor Giorgio Parisi shared a recipe on how to cook pasta by saving gas on his Facebook account.

According to the formula that Parisi shared with a quote from someone else, the trick to cooking pasta by saving gas is as follows:

After the water boils, the pasta is thrown into it and cooked for two minutes, then the stove is turned off. With the lid of the pot closed, the pasta is left to cook without fire.

It is stated that with the method shared by Parisi, the cooking time will be shortened and gas will be saved.