Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos: What do you think was their first job?

Have you ever wondered how these rich and successful people got their start? Here are the first jobs of some famous billionaires.

By Jane Dickens Published on 30 Eylül 2022 : 14:14.
Warren Buffett, Oprah Winfrey, Michael Bloomberg, Jeff Bezos: What do you think was their first job?

We've all heard the names of these famous billionaires in some way or another, and we know how they got most of their wealth. We even dream of reaching the same levels by doing similar things. But have you ever wondered how these rich and successful people got their start? Here are the first jobs of some famous billionaires.

First Job: Newspaper Delivery Boy

Warren Buffett started working on the billion-dollar empire he founded from an early age. His first job was as a newspaper deliverer when he was just 13 years old. Self-taught as a businessman, Buffett even taxed the bike he bought that year. Later, he ran a pinball business, looking for job opportunities wherever he went, and by the time he graduated from college he had already made $10,000 in profit from his ventures. As a result, it's no surprise that so many people today turn to Buffett for financial advice.

First Job: Market Cashier

Oprah Winfrey is one of those self-determined women. All the work he has done so far plays an important role in making his current fortune. But Winfrey began this journey with an average job at the grocery store next to her father's Nashville barber. Then she presented news on local radios until she was 16 years old. Thus, she made the transition to the media life she is in today.

First Job: Parking Lot Attendant

Michael Bloomberg is best known for his investor direction and political career. But he started this successful life as a parking lot attendant. The son of a middle-class family, Bloomberg paid his college tuition by working and eventually graduated from Harvard with an MBA. Later, he started his professional life at Salomon Brothers on Wall Street and is now one of the richest people in America.

First Job: McDonald's Employee

Before starting Amazon, Bezos, the world's richest man, was turning hamburgers behind his McDonald's grill. Jeff Bezos was just 16 years old when he worked at the fast-food chain in Miami. And there's one thing he's learned from experience, as he often says: “It's necessary to move business quickly from vendor to customer without hurting them.”