We will enter the year of the rabbit in 2023: What are the characteristics of the people of the rabbit sign?

Chinese years live in the same sign every 12 years. When you look closely at years with the same zodiac sign, you will come across similarly themed events.

By Jane Dickens Published on 30 Aralık 2022 : 22:11.
We will enter the year of the rabbit in 2023: What are the characteristics of the people of the rabbit sign?

According to Chinese Astrology, the year of the Water Rabbit will begin on January 22, 2023, and end on February 24, 2024; It will postpone conflicts and bring peace, making people more open and attentive to needs. The luckiest colors of 2023 are red and pink, but also blue and green.

The rabbit is the fourth of the 12-year repeated animal cycle in the Chinese zodiac, which forms part of the Chinese calendar system. Those born in the year of the Rabbit are considered quiet, introverted thinkers, lazy people, and good friends.

In addition to its sensitive, thoughtful, and gentle nature, Rabbit is a zodiac sign that is easily judgmental when it wants to use its bad face, sees itself as absolutely right, and can cut one or more relationships at once, just to get what it wants. 

The reason for entering the world with these features is, of course, the wars in the world. That's why I wanted to take a look at the Rabbit years by doing an astrological review. Now I want to look at the Rabbits of the Chinese years, which recur every 12 years, starting from quite old.

Year of a Rabbit 1927

The year the Chinese civil war broke out. Unfortunately, the war between the Chinese National Party and the Chinese Communist Party continued until 1950.

When we come to the next Rabbit year, 1939, the Second World War, which is considered to have started on September 1, 1939, when the German armies attacked Poland, continued until 1945.

1951, another Rabbit year

The effects that visited different parts of the world caught Egypt and Korea this time. It is known that 36,000 American soldiers, 600,000 Koreans, and 500,000 Chinese soldiers died while Korea was burned and destroyed. A Turkish Brigade under the command of Brigadier General Tahsin Yazıcı went ashore from Pusan towards the end of 1950 and joined the United Nations armies. Until the ceasefire was signed in 1953, Korea had enough time to burn everyone.

In 1963, mankind continued to do terrible things again. With the Vietnam War, we re-inscribed the brutality of our race into history. Vietnam has never been calm. Although 1.5 million lost their own people and 1/3 of their land, many people who lost their mental health remained in Vietnam, which was victorious in the war. In today's films, we still watch the heartbreaking scenes of those days that we should learn from, from our comfortable seats as if that past was not ours. We shamelessly tell each other how bad we are.

We arrived in 1975. We are in the Lebanese Civil War. The Muslim-Christian divide, which turned into a civil war on April 13, 1975, took its place in history as one of the most complex wars in the world. The parties, which did not breathe until 1991, did not stop fighting their ideologies and arm strength.

When we come to 1987, we have now completed the great 60-year cycle. Every 60 years, a sign with the same elemental feature becomes active. At this point, we should realize that the common theme of wars is; civil war. The character and causes of the conflicts that arose in the years of the rabbit are obvious. The year 1987, which is the year of the Rabbit in the Yin phase of the fire element, caused the conflicts that started on the border of Chad and Libya, known as the Toyota War.

We arrived in 1999. Our racial disgrace has come to light again. We have a Kargil war on our hands. We will definitely fight. In the conflicts between India and Pakistan, we ate each other again in the Kargil region. For centuries in the unshared world's lands, each of us has hung, cut, cooked, skinned, decapitated, bombed, destroyed, rotted by radiation, and destroyed in an unprecedented way, like any other species.

We are in a Rabbit year again. The cold and cruel nature of the metal element is at work again with the year of the Rabbit. We are in Libya again. We eat each other again. Again, the war goes beyond its borders. The whole world is still somehow involved in this war, just like its counterparts.

When I look back now, I see that the wars in the Year of the Rabbit started with civil wars and border fights, and there were years when dogmatic life philosophies conflicted with each other.

Now, involuntarily, I am wondering about 2023, when we will live in the year of the Rabbit again. It would be nice if we were wrong just once…