What is a ghost person?
Ghosting means abruptly ending a romantic relationship without any communication with the partner, without any explanation; It is defined as cutting off all communication without giving a reason. Ghoster is the adjective of the person who ghosts.

Ghosting, which is a product of psychological violence that leaves as severe an impact on the individual as physical violence, occurs more frequently in technological environments. We can explain the reason for this as seeing, recognizing, adding, and communicating with the partner with a single click. Ghosting is often described as blocking technology with a single click, moving away from the partner, not responding to messages, and moving away from environments. The person turns himself into a ghost and suddenly disappears.
We can understand and define ghosting as the sudden complete cutting off of communication resources in a relationship and the other party being ignored.
To summarize briefly:
The ghost moves away from his partner and leaves him in a predicament where he does not understand what is going on, leaving the person alone with his feelings.
A situation in which a person pretends to be a ghost and suddenly disappears
How to end a relationship without taking responsibility
When one of the partners withdraws from the relationship without giving an explanation
The sudden breakup of the existing relationship
However, the ghost actually gives signals to his partner while in the relationship. You can spot these signals more easily thanks to the ghosting test:
If your partner is hesitant to include you in his social circle
Your partner always determines the frequency of calls
If you have very little text messaging with your partner
If he leaves you hanging in the relationship
If the planned day suddenly disappears
If it constantly makes you feel uncertain
Makes you feel like you're in a constant state of waiting
If your partner constantly communicates with you with or without an excuse
Why People Ghost — and How to Get Over It
Time to go ghostbusting.