What kind of people like which dogs?

A study by The Kennel Club revealed how different dog breeds affect their owners with certain personality traits.

By Jane Dickens Published on 12 Ekim 2022 : 22:07.
What kind of people like which dogs?

According to the Daily Mail's report, more than 1,500 dog owners from 16 popular breeds were surveyed to assess their personalities. The results revealed levels of five major personality traits: extroversion, openness, agreeableness, emotional stability, and conscientiousness.

The researchers were then able to see which owners rank highest in certain personality traits, compared with those of other races.


These breeds are known as friendly dogs and are popular with celebrities such as Rick Stein, Serena Williams and Paul McCartney.

The study results revealed that the five most dominant personality traits that define Jack Russell owners are: Loyalty (88 percent), Helpfulness (87 percent), Friendship (84 percent), Reliability (83 percent), A good listener (82 percent).


Oprah Winfrey, Charlize Theron and Prince William and Kate Middleton are Cocker Spaniel fans and are regularly photographed with their dogs by their side.

According to the research, the owners of this breed; loyal (85 percent), helpful to others (84 percent), reliable (83 percent), family-oriented (83 percent), curious (81 percent) personality traits.


From Andy Murray to Diane Keaton, the Border Terrier is a popular breed among many famous dog owners.

The study results show that if you are attractive, lively and enthusiastic, this breed will be the best fit for you.


Jackie Chan is one of the most popular dog breeds in the UK and USA, with famous owners like Conan O'Brien and Nick Jonas.

The breed is known for its friendly, tolerant demeanor which makes it well suited as a family pet, while its intelligence makes it a highly capable dog.

According to The Kennel Club research, people who are more emotionally stable, positive and happy are best suited to this breed of dog.


Drew Barrymore, Anne Hathaway, and Arnold Schwarzenegger are Labrador Retriever fans.

The Kennel Club states, “The Labrador is the most popular of all pedigree breeds, and its popularity comes from its versatility as a family companion, service dog, guide dog and hunting dog.” said.

If you're a friendly person, a Labrador might be the perfect choice for you, according to research.


Small enough to fit in a handbag, it should come as no surprise that the Chihuahua is one of the most popular breeds among celebrities, the most famous being Paris Hilton.

According to The Kennel Club research, the most dominant trait of chihuahua owners is reliability.