Who are the brothers Egid Quirin and Cosmos Damian Asam?

They built their own private church to make their art immortal. This church (Asamkirche), which was later opened to the public by force of the people, is one of the most important sightseeing spots in Munich.

By Stephen McWright Published on 24 Ocak 2023 : 20:20.
Who are the brothers Egid Quirin and Cosmos Damian Asam?

German architect and decorator brothers. In the first half of the 18th century, they became of famous representatives of the Baroque style in Southern Germany. Cosmas Damian was born in Benediktbeuren and died in Munich. His brother, Egid Quirin, was born in Tegernesee and died in Mannheim. They received their first education by helping their father, Hans Georg Asam, who was an important Bavarian fresco painter. They went to Rome between 1711 and 1714 and studied at the San Luca Academy. Here they were influenced by the baroque buildings of Bernini and the baroque murals of Cortona, Gaulli, and Pozzo. Apart from architecture, Cosmas Damian was a painter, and Egid Quirin specialized in sculpture and stucco. They also carried out the decoration of their buildings entirely by themselves. They have built many buildings, both separately and together. Because they work in perfect harmony with each other, it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish which of their separate works is their product.

The Asam brothers (Cosmas Damian Asam and Egid Quirin Asam) were sculptors, workers in stucco, painters, and architects, who worked mostly together and in southern Germany. They are among the most important representatives of the German late Baroque.

In their first works, they realized a combination of the "dramatic effect" they saw in the baroque buildings of Rome and the Bavarian ornamentation tradition. The Johann Nepomuk Church, also known as the Asam Church, built by Egid Quirin in Munich, is considered a masterpiece among the products of Asams. In this building, the mass effect of the walls is almost dissipated with the decorations performed by the two brothers together and the light plays that give the place a mysterious air, and the world of reality and dream, nature and art are brought together as a whole. In their works, the Asam brothers gradually moved away from the Italian Baroque style and approached the French Rococo style, which gives more weight to plenty of light, light, bright colors, and decorations.

Cosmas Damian Asam (29 September 1686 – 10 May 1739) was a German painter and architect during the late Baroque period. 

Egid Quirin Asam (1 September 1692 – 29 April 1750) was a German plasterer, sculptor, architect, and painter. He was active during the Late Baroque and Rococo periods.

The lively art of the two brothers, who gained widespread fame and attention in their own time, reflects the understanding and taste of the society they live in. Later, with the start of the church reforms, an unpretentious and plain style was adopted in religious architecture, and the works of Asamlar were humiliated as the products of an outdated and tasteless understanding.


Creators of breathtaking Bavarian Baroque

The Asam brothers and their sacred chamber