Who are the important astrologers in history?
We have compiled astrologers who have devoted themselves to astrology and done important work throughout history. Berossus is considered the founder of Greek Astrology. Due to the accuracy of his prophecies, a statue made of gold with a tongue was erected in his honor in Athens.
![Who are the important astrologers in history?](https://knowwhois.com/upload/images/NjQ0NTA5MD-who-are-the-important-astrologers-in-history.jpg)
Ali Bin Ridvan: Egyptian astrologer and doctor. He devoted his life to astrology, astronomy, and medical science. He started his medical education at the age of 15 and became a doctor. He becomes the head of doctors in Egypt. His name is mentioned among the four world scholars in the Middle Ages. He is famous for his supernova observation in 1006. The most accurate comment came from him. His works are; Circumstance of the Births (published in Venice in 1524), and Study on the Meanings of the Comets in the 12 Signs of the Zodiac (published in Nuremberg in 1563).
Antoninus Pius: The Roman Empire experienced its longest period of peace during his reign. Antoninus was adopted by the astrologer Hadrian and was declared the next emperor due to his strong natal chart influence. His knowledge of astrology comes from his stepfather Hadiran. His most important feature is that he was the first emperor to have the 12-zodiac sign printed serially on coins.
Berossus: It is assumed that he was born around 330 BC. He is considered the founder of Greek Astrology by establishing the astrology school on Kos Island. He wrote a book called Babylonian Stories consisting of three parts. Due to the accuracy of his prophecies, a statue made of gold with a tongue was erected in his honor in Athens. Astrology, especially the doctrine of angles played an important role in the Hellenistic world. He tried to find the time when the world would end by calculating planetary cycles.
Cardanus: Cardanus was born in 1501; Italian Renaissance mathematician, physician, astrologer and philosopher. He was arrested by the Inquisition in 1570 for calculating and publishing the birth chart of Jesus in 1554 and was released after spending three months in prison, with a fine commuted to a fine. He wrote over 230 books. He was intensely interested in astrology and dream interpretations and interpreted people's birth charts by drawing them. He is especially considered the inventor of Metoposcopy. He conducted studies on forehead lines and the planets associated with these lines. He has many studies on intuition, dreams, and astrology. He has a list of nine essential conditions for an astrologer to be successful.
Abraham Zacuto: He is the person who made the first iron astrolabe. He was closely interested in Kabbalah and worked on the history of the coming of the Messiah. He was one of the most famous astronomers and mathematicians of his time. The “great compilation” work became a guidebook for sailors. Rumor has it that Christopher Columbus found Jamaica thanks to his book.
John Dee: Astrologist of Queen Elizabeth I of England. The wise man of the Tudor dynasty. In addition to being an astrologer, he was also a chemist and mathematician. He made many studies and investigations on occultism. Dee argues that mathematics and magic are inseparable; He was also in contact with spirits.