Who invented the cake?

The delicious historical journey of the cake, which extends from honey bread to multi-layered and colorful varieties...

By Jane Dickens Published on 23 Eylül 2022 : 12:58.
Who invented the cake?

The definition of cake as "pie" as we know it goes back to 13th century Europe. However, there is prehistory. It is known that the past of the cake goes back to the ages before Christ, and those primitive people started to make various pieces of bread and cakes shortly after they learned how to process wheat. In the ancient Greek period, these decorated breads began to be considered as part of a ritual, just as we now use cakes in celebrations.

For example, in the Ancient Greek period, the rebirth of the Moon Goddess Artemis is celebrated on the sixth day of each month, accompanied by the cutting of round honey cakes representing the lunar and solar cycles. The lights (candles) added to the cakes symbolize the moonlight. People think that their prayers and wishes reach their gods living in the sky, thanks to the candles they put on the cake and put out in accordance with the beliefs of the period. This is how the habit of preparing a cake and blowing out candles for a celebration comes from that time to this time.

It is known that in the past, the Chinese prepared crescent-shaped cakes to celebrate the seasonal cycles according to their beliefs. This is because the Chinese believe that the Moon Goddess Heng O is effective in providing a fruitful harvest and they want to express their gratitude by offering cake to her.

These first breads, which were prepared using flour, water, milk or eggs, were sweetened with honey and nuts and evaluated as a cake, and it continues to be used for different rituals in every culture from Scandinavians to France and Germany for a long time. However, these celebrations were rarely held by the wealthy families, nobles and royalty of the period. Because the materials required to prepare honey breads are expensive materials that are not easy to reach for that period. However, the wealthy do not only perform these celebratory rituals for their gods and goddesses, but also for their children's birthdays. It is said that they continued the celebrations until the morning and made very special wishes, prayers and gift ceremonies.

It is even known that there are pastry masters in France who specially prepare cakes in their kitchens for royalty and nobility. However, over time, the number of these pastry masters is increasing, the pastry ingredients are becoming more accessible, and thus the masters are starting to lose their jobs. As such, they begin to open small shops and workshops where they can show their mastery. It is said that this movement of the pastry masters of the period is the foundation of modern pastry and patisserie dating back to the present is gradually emerging.

The other events that most affected the historical development of the cake are the spread of cocoa thanks to the discovery of America, the preparation of cake molds in different shapes in the 18th century and the invention of whipped cream. With the introduction of cocoa, whipped cream and cake molds, layered cakes begin to be prepared, similar to today's cakes. Thanks to the confectionery materials that can be produced in series after the industrial revolution, the variety of products that can be used in cake production increased, while the prices decrease to more affordable levels and the public begins to prepare and consume cakes more frequently for various celebrations, especially for birthdays.

Who Invented Cake and When
Food Timeline FAQs: cakes 