He was one of the most famous poets of pre-Islamic Arabic literature: Who is Abid ibn al-Abras?

His poems show the agility of his language and the liveliness of his depictions. Poems were also taken from Abid, a magazine called Mu'allakût-ı Seb'a ("Seven"), where the poems of seven famous pre-Islamic poets were collected.

By William James Published on 27 Mart 2023 : 15:18.
He was one of the most famous poets of pre-Islamic Arabic literature: Who is Abid ibn al-Abras?

(6th century) Arab poet. He is one of the poets of pre-Islamic Arabic literature. Asad is from the Huzeyme tribe. He lived in the Hire Palace for a long time. He made friends with his contemporary poet Nabigatü'z-Zubyani here. He was killed in the tomb of two of King Munzir's friends, whom he had previously buried alive. There are many legends about his life in Kitab al-Agani. His poems show the agility of his language and the liveliness of his depictions. Poems were also taken from Abid, a magazine called Mu'allakût-ı Seb'a ("Seven Asks"), where the poems of seven famous pre-Islamic poets were collected.

Abid's poems are rarely found in the sources because the arrival of ancient Arabic poetry is in the form of oral narration based on memory. An essential part of these literary works has been forgotten during the writing process. On the other hand, it has undergone changes during its transfer from language to language. It is natural that there are a few examples from ancient Arabic poetry, including Abid ibn al-Abras.