He made Tehran his capital: Who is Agha Mohammad Khan?

During his reign, the order was established in Iran. He made Tehran the capital and made it an important center. The Qajars dominated Iran until 1924 when the Pahlavis took over.

By Stephen McWright Published on 16 Mart 2023 : 20:55.
He made Tehran his capital: Who is Agha Mohammad Khan?

(1742-1797) Head of the Qajar tribe. He founded the Qajar dynasty in Iran. He is the son of Muhammed Hasan Khan, the 'head of the Qajars', a Turkish tribe living in the south of the Caspian Sea. In his childhood, he was castrated by the son of Nadir Shah, who ended the Safavid rule in Iran and founded the Afshar dynasty. During the reign of Nadir Shah, bloody wars took place between Afshars and Qajars. After the assassination of Nadir Shah in 1747, Iran entered a period of turmoil. Sovereignty passed to Karim Khan Zend, who ruled in Shiraz in 1750. After his death in 1779, his successors began the fight for the throne. Taking advantage of this turmoil, Agha Mohammad Khan came to Tehran in 1779, declared his shah, and established the Qajar dynasty in Iran.

Agha Mohammad Khan Qajar (14 March 1742 – 17 June 1797), also known by his regnal name of Agha Mohammad Shah, was the founder of the Qajar dynasty of Iran, ruling from 1789 to 1797 as king (shah). 

He struggled with Zendler for a long time. The last representative of the Zend dynasty, Prince Lutf Ali Khan was tortured to death. Later, he marched on Azerbaijan and took this region under the control of the Afshars. He organized an expedition against the Turkmen and ensured order in Northeast Iran. During the sultanate fights that started after the death of Nadir Shah, Russia demanded land from Iran. Thereupon, Agha Muhammed Khan, who organized an expedition to Georgia, added this country to his lands. When the Russian Army withdrew after the death of Tsarina Catherine II, Agha Mohammad Khan entered Khorasan. He captured the Khorasan region completely after he had Shahrukh Mirza, the grandson of Nadir Shah who ruled in Mashhad, captured.

In 1797, he besieged Shusha, the center of Karabakh. After the castle was taken, he was killed in his bed by his two servants, whom he sentenced to death. Since he had no children, his nephew Feth Ali Shah took his place.

