The first person who was famous in history by writing theatre: Is Aristophanes?

The number of those who have not disappeared from about forty comedies written by Aristophanes is eleven. He makes fun of the gods and the philosophers...

By Jane Dickens Published on 26 Şubat 2023 : 11:06.
The first person who was famous in history by writing theatre: Is Aristophanes?

(450 - 380 BC) Ancient Greek Comedy Poet. The plays of “Old Comedy” and “Central Comedy” genres are the only Athenian comedy poet. Birth, death places, and dates are not certain, as well as written sources about life are very few. According to some sources, his father Philippos is a citizen of Athens. He wrote his first comedy Daakes (feasts) when he was twenty -three years old in 427 BC and participated in competitions with one or two comedies almost every year until the end of his life. As it is understood from his plays, Aristophanes followed the political life of Athens very closely, and he constantly opposed the Peloponnesian Wars, which lasted twenty -seven years at intervals and eventually led to the collapse of Athens's democracy, and the “populist” politicians who fueled the war as the supporters of the Nobility during the period of democracy.

In 426, the second game of the Great Dionysia feast and the second known game (lost) Babylonioi comedy on the grounds that he humiliated the Athens state and rulers on the grounds that the "demagog" u Kleon was opened against the prosecution. Therefore, it is not certain that it is sentenced to any punishment; However, after this incident, it was suggested that he wrote his games that contain political earth, rather than the great Dionysia festivals, which were watched by many foreigners, for competitions in Lenaia festivals, especially Athenian spectators participated in winter. It is known that five of the plays themselves are performed by others, and the last two missing games were put on stage by his son Araros.

The number of those who have not disappeared from about forty comedies written by Aristophanes is eleven. Nine of these are “old”, and the last two are examples of the “Central Comedy” genre. As it is understood from the names of the other plays and the remaining 969 short pieces, the issues of the poet for their plays show great diversity. However, Aristophanes committed his subjects according to the certain structural and formal characteristics of the “Old Comedy” in accordance with the tradition. These distinctive features are a “controversial race” (Agon), which is usually in the first half of the comedy, where play people participate and the Choir is hot; In the middle of the game, the Choir can be summarized as a wedding feast or the festival of a wedding feast or festival in the rest of the game, where the Choir was left alone on the stage after removing the play clothes and spokes up with the author's thoughts and criticisms and the rest of the game. The main feature that makes Aristophanes's art original and attractive is that it freely fuses its sharpness and all kinds of laughter with the movement in the above-mentioned structure.

In the comedies of Ornithes (Birds) and Eirene (Peace), the element of imagination outweighs. In Ornithes, the two citizens, who are overwhelmed by their living conditions in Athens, design a city where birds can rule people and submit to the gods. The Choir, which symbolizes various birds, won their bargain with the gods in cooperation with the gods, and the priest, fortune-teller, and lyrical poet, who lined up to migrate to the birds from Athens, beat the people they find objectionable. In Eirene, a shooting farmer, who is tired of wars, flies to Olympos by riding a filth beetle he has taken to feed. His aim is to save the “peace ına to the earth and reduce it to the earth. In this game, the war-barış problem, which is particularly imagined, has been the subject of other plays by Aristophanes.

In general, Aristophanes's place is for the morality and behavior of individuals rather than the existing order. It is considered conservative in terms of opposing the philosophy of his time as well as his policy. This feature mostly appears in his comedy Nephelai (Clouds), which demits and criticizes his contemporary Socrates as a “Sophist”. In this game, the spokespersons of a kind of science-educational philosophy encouraged by Socrates and democratic conditions, which manages the school called “Thought House ında through the air hanging in the air, are accused of teaching cunning instead of morality, science, and real interests and special interests.

In the art of Aristophanes, in addition to many elements such as earth, grinding, clown, open racy jokes and rude laughs, as well as sarcastic signs for the tragedy have an important place.

Aristophanes' plays cannot be said to have had a lot of influence on European comedy in terms of the general understanding of laughter, structure, and form. However, these are considered to be the source of the art of earth by many writers and critics, especially Latin Still poets.


(Remaining to date, based on play date):

Akhames, 425 BC, (“the Akharnai”);

Hippes, BC. 424, (“Horsemen”);

Nephelai, 423 BC, (Clouds);

Sphekes, BC. 422, (The Wasps: The Judges);

Eirene, IO. .421, (Peace);

Ornithes, 414 BC, (Birds);

Lysistrata, 411 BC, (Lysistrata: The War of the Women);

Thesmophoriasdosai, 41A, (“Women at the Feast of Thesmophoria”);

Batrakboi, 405 BC, (Frogs);

Ekklesiasdosai, 391 BC, (“Women in the People's Assembly”)

Plutos, BC388, (“Wealth”).


Analysis of Aristophanes’ Lysistrata