Who is called a Baptist? What do Baptists believe?

They are a Christian group born in the Netherlands in the 17th century. Unlike other Christian denominations, they apply baptism only to adults. For them, baptism is a definitive symbol of one's voluntary faith in Jesus Christ.

By Jane Dickens Published on 8 Aralık 2023 : 23:17.
Who is called a Baptist? What do Baptists believe?

Baptists, who do not baptize babies because they do not yet understand their meaning, perform baptism by completely immersing the body in water.

Baptists, who started the first Protestant missions, are doing missionaries around the world.

In general, Baptists have much in common with other Christian denominations. Baptists also believe in the Trinity. They believe that all people are sinners and need salvation, that the Father sent his Son, who is one hundred percent God and one hundred percent human, to the world to atone for sins, and that one can become children of God only through grace and faith in Jesus Christ alone.

Baptists form a major branch of evangelical Protestantism distinguished by baptizing only professing Christian believers (believer's baptism), and doing so by complete immersion. Baptist churches also generally subscribe to the doctrines of soul competency (the responsibility and accountability of every person before God), sola fide (salvation by just faith alone), sola scriptura (scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice) and congregationalist church government. Baptists generally recognize two ordinances: baptism and communion.

Baptists believe that the Holy Spirit continues to work to regenerate sinners and equip believers. Finally, they believe that God will bring the world to an end in His own time and according to His will, judge the living and the dead, and believers in Christ will worship God forever.

Baptists believe in the Bible as the sole authority on faith and practice and describe the Word of God as infallible. There can be no writing or commentary of equal authority with the Bible.

Baptists reject infant baptism in light of Matthew 28:19, which states that only disciples can be baptized. Accordingly, infant baptism does not save from sins and does not promise salvation.

Baptists believe that all people have the right to adhere to or reject the religion of their choice. Baptists also believe that all people should be able to practice and preach their faith without restriction. These views confirm that church and state should be separated. Because to embrace religion wholeheartedly, there should be no pressure. Additionally, if the church is run by the state, it is open to corruption.